Ken Sekine

Keio University (Japan).

Academic Visitor of the Institute for Chinese Studies. Oxford University


Theme: The Limit of Tolerance

-----A Study on the first Chinese Novel written about Nanking Massacre


   Even if in China, there are only a few people have known about the first Chinese novel written on “Nanking Massacre”. This novel was written by A-Long(1907-67. One of Hu-Feng group’s theoretical leader. Been arrested as counter-revolutionist at 1955. After imprisoned for 12 years, died in Tianjin Prison China), “Nanjing” was the title of this novel. A-Long’s ”Nanjing” had once won the first prize of “Kangzhan-Wenyi” magazine at 1940, from this fact, we can say that there is no doubt about the achievement and success of “Nanjing”. But this novel didn’t publish at that time by the very trifling reason( Hu-Feng said this was by an error of proceeding). And since that time novel “Nanjing” had been buried till her final publication at 1987. This fact suggests us that there are some another reason existing in 1940’s Chinese literature field.

   In fact, A-Long’s “Nanjing” is a very particular novel in that period. It’s representation is including at least these three unique points; 1/ Writer has the stand of soldier (A-Long was an officer indeed) who was just fighting against Japan; 2/ There are strong criticism on Chinese army (Guoming-Dang) in it; 3/ Refusing to make stereotypes about Japanese soldier, and also refused to describe from the great Chinese nationalism.  From these points of view, we may hypothesize that A-Long’s representation---- especially his attitude of anti-nationalism and criticism to army--- may have offended the strategy of politics in that period. I think it is clear that A-Long’s “Nanjing” indicates the limit of tolerance of that period.                

   At same time I must insist on A-Long’s tough and strong personality. Before his arrest at 1955, he had been fighting against bureaucracy of communist party, published many essays about the significance of individuality and freedom. So at last he himself was ostracized from total system of Chinese social.