Du Fu

Modern sculpture of Du Fu (712-770), Du Fu Cottage, Chengdu

Writers, Critics, and Scholars: The Public Intellectual and Chinese Literature

The Biennial Conference of the Association of Chinese & Comparative Literature

Tsinghua University, Beijing,
June 19-21, 2009

Why study Chinese literature? Can the answer be framed in terms of contributing to public discourse on China? What does Chinese cultural expression have to say to the rest of the world? How can we tell whether a work is directed at an exclusively Chinese or universal audience? If it is Chinese only, does that mean there are no lessons to be learned from it in other cultures? What can translators and scholars offer the global audience from the Chinese experience?

Call for Papers

The next biennial meeting of the ACCL will take place at Tsinghua University in Beijing. This event is jointly sponsored by ACCL and the Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies at Tsinghua, with support from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Tsinghua University. Conference accommodations and panel sessions will be at the UNIS International Exchange Center, just outside the East Gate of Tsinghua University. Rooms at UNIS will be provided at a discounted rate for conference attendees, and graduate students coming from outside Beijing can apply for financial aid. Daily breakfasts at UNIS, one luncheon and one dinner banquet will be provided free of charge.

The conference theme is Writers, Critics, and Scholars: The Public Intellectual and Chinese Literature. We invite papers and panels from scholars all over the world on this theme or other topics in Chinese and comparative literature. Papers may be given in Chinese or English, preferably Chinese.

This conference offers an opportunity to explore the relationship between literature and public discourse in China. This relationship has many facets (the outline below is not intended to be comprehensive, but to stimulate thought):

We hope through in-depth and detailed discussions we can examine the writer as social/cultural agent of change from new perspectives.

Please submit panel proposals and/or paper abstracts to accl2009@gmail.com.

Work plan: