Overview, Grading and Prequisites


Overview and Grading

The aim of this seven-lecture course is to introduce students to the basics of programming in R. The lecture series will cover how to construct functions in R and how to use R to fit models to data and summarise the results of model fits graphically as well as using confidence intervals. Model selection will also be discussed briefly. Students completing this course will have much of the background needed to take the SAFS upper level stock assessment courses (FISH 458, 557, 558, 559).

Instruction will occur during seven 2-hour lecture-lab sessions which will be held iuring the last five weeks of fall quarter. All instruction will occur in  MGH 044 with each participant at a computer (although the use of personal laptops will be encouraged). Grading will be credit/no credit and the evaluation of performance will be based on completing two homework assignments (due in the 7th and 11th weeks of the quarter).


Students taking FISH 553 are expected to have taken FISH 552 (the SAFS introductory R course). You should be familiar with basic R commands (e.g. arithmetic operations), low levels commands such as “mean” and “var”, how to read data into R data structures with scan and read.table, and how to extract data from matrices and data.frames. FISH 553 covers likelihood theory. You should therefore review your introductory statistics, in particular the normal and Poisson probability distributions, as well as the basic laws of probability.

Students with Disabilities

The University of Washington is committed to providing access, equal opportunity and reasonable accommodation in its services, programs, activities, education and employment for individuals with disabilities. To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact Disabled Student Services, 448 Schmitz, (206)543-8924 (V/TTY). If you have a letter from Disabled Student Services indicating that you have a disability which requires academic accommodations, please present the letter to the instructor so we can discuss the accommodations needed for this class.