Sequence and analysis of the biovar III representative Agrobacterium vitis S4

Our choice of A. vitis S4 as the biovar III representative is based on several intriguing biological properties that set it apart from biovars one and two.

  1. It has a narrow host range that includes grapevines.
  2. It induces a hypersensitive response on non-host plants, a phenotype not exhibited by biovars I and II and which appears to occur by a mechanism distinct from that of other plant pathogens.
  3. The T-DNA is unique in that it is comprised of three segments, each of which carries different oncogenes. 
  4. Certain non-tumorigenic strains of A. vitis are biological control agents whose mechanism of action appears to be distinct from that used by the biovar II strain K84. 

Decoding and analyzing the genome sequence of A. vitis S4 will allow significant insights into the evolutionary history of Agrobacteria and the unusual interactions of this species with its economically important host grapevine.

Project status: The genome analysis is complete and publications describing this work are in the final stages of preparation.

Data: All annotation and genome data are public and are hosted by the Setubal Research Group at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute. Please visit our annotation

Requests for information: Please submit all requests for information to

"This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0333297."


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111430 Dec 07

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