Agrobacterium vitis S4: Selected references

Reference list provided courtesy of Tom Burr, Cornell University

  1. Burr, T. J., and L. Otten. 1999. CROWN GALL OF GRAPE: Biology and Disease Management. Annu Rev Phytopathol 37:53-80.

  2. Canaday et al 1992 Mol Gen Genet 235, 292-303
    Note: T-DNA of pTiS4

  3. Gérard et al 1992 Plasmid 28, 146-156
    Note: physical map of pTiS4

  4. Herlache, T. C., A. T. Hotchkiss, Jr., T. J. Burr, and A. Collmer. 1997. Characterization of the Agrobacterium vitis pehA gene and comparison of the encoded polygalacturonase with the homologous enzymes from Erwinia carotovora and Ralstonia solanacearum. Appl Environ Microbiol 63:338-46.

  5. Paulus et al 1989 Mol Plant Microbe Interact 2, 64-74
    Note: preliminary molecular studies

  6. Rodriguez-Palenzuela, P., T. J. Burr, and A. Collmer. 1991. Polygalacturonase is a virulence factor in Agrobacterium tumefaciens biovar 3. J Bacteriol 173:6547-52.

  7. Szegedi E 1985 Acta Phytopathol Acad Sci Hung  20,17-22
    Note: first description of S4 as an octopine and nopaline negative isolate

  8. Szegedi et al 1988 Physiol Molec Plant Pathol 32, 237-247
    Note: first detection of vitopine from S4-induced tumors

  9. Szegedi et al 1989 Physiol Molec Plant Pathol 35, 35-43
    Note: necrotic reactions on certain grape genotypes

  10. Szegedi et al 1992 Mol Plant Microbe Interact 5, 435-438
    Note: detection of tartrate utilization plasmid in S4

  11. Szegedi et al 1996 Mol Plant Microbe Interact 9, 139-143
    Note: pTiS4 belongs to a new incompatibility group

  12. Szegedi et al 1998 Plasmid 39, 35-40
    Note: incompatibility of pTrS4

  13. Zheng, D., H. Zhang, S. Carle, G. Hao, M. R. Holden, and T. J. Burr. 2003. A luxR homolog, aviR, in Agrobacterium vitis is associated with induction of necrosis on grape and a hypersensitive response on tobacco. Mol Plant Microbe Interact 16:650-8.


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