Defining a product

Note: I will use gene AVI0017 from S4 replicon I in the following examples.

1. Scan the blast results to select a tentative product ID for the gene.

Hypothetical: No BlastP matches below and e value of 10-3 to any proteins in database. No known function.

Conserved hypothetical: BlastP matches at or below an e value of 10-3 to proteins in database that are hypothetical or conserved hypothetical genes. Coverage (how much of our protein matches protein in database) of at least 75% of protein length (i.e. not just a domain). No known function for any of these proteins.

2. Assignments should be confirmed based on further analysis of the domains found in the protein:

private comments: Whenever you change anything in the database you should keep notes in the window at the bottom of the annotation page in the field 'private comments'. You can use this area to justify any changes that you have made. This will clarify your reasoning both for your instructor, as well as any member of the research team that views your data. In our example you might note that the top 6-7 blastp hits were to hypothetical or conserved hypothetical, AND that no domains were present so you chose Conserved hypothetical. This is mostly for your benefit so you can review what they did and why. I will see if we can change this so annotators will be asked directly to justify choices prior to changes being accepted.

3. When you are sure that you have the right product enter it in the product field at the top of the page. All you need to do now is hit the 'update' button located at the top of the window (or in any of the other windows as well). This will add your changes to the database.

Congratulations, you have just identified the function of a new gene that has never been seen before!

last update:

042322 May 04

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