Welcome to our project!

As student collaborators in this project you are participating in a 'live' research project directed by faculty at several institutions. These researchers are working to sequence the genomes of two species of Agrobacterium and to interpret the significance of this information. You can choose to play a number of different roles in this project depending on your level of interest and the guidance of your instructors. Two common roles are annotation of protein coding genes and system-wide analyses. The majority of this web resource will focus on the former, the latter is more intensive and can include a large variety of analyses (e.g. defining the role of regulatory genes within one or both organisms). Feel free to review all the information at the website and associated database. You are welcome to use this information in support of your classroom projects as well as to work outside of your assignments on independent analyses. Please contact your instructor or the project director to share the results of your analyses with the research group or if you are interested in more information on independent research projects. All contributions will be recognized at this website and significant contributions have the potential to be included in the final publication(s) resulting from this work!

When you are ready to begin working on annotation just follow the main link under the annotation heading on the menu bar

Thank you for your participation in this project!

The S4k84 genome consortium

"This project is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0333297."


last update:

272205 Nov 04

This website and its contents are the property of the University of Washington. Copyright 2004.

Please refer questions or comments to agro@u.washington.edu

Site design and maintenance:

Derek Wood