Dear Alumni

What advice can you offer current students?

44 Answers

  1. I am happy to give you the advice my father gave me when he dropped me off at my dorm for the very first time. He said three things: (1.) Keep your head low and work like Hell. (2.) Don’t do anything you don’t want published on the front page of your hometown newspaper the next day. (3.) Don’t learn to play bridge until you at least have your BS.

  2. Get ahead and stay ahead!

  3. Take easy classes for the first quarter. It is really hard to raise a grade point that starts low.

  4. Take advantage of your profs’ open office hours.

  5. Don’t be overwhelmed

  6. It’s good to have a diverse knowledge base.

  7. Get involved with groups and have fun.

  8. Pick a major with jobs.

  9. Get in a group or activity that helps you create a smaller social network.

  10. WWGUD — What Would Grown-Ups Do?

  11. Reach out to faculty and grad students. Connect with them to enhance your understanding of course material.

  12. UW is much tougher than a community college or high school. Brace yourself for hard work that results in lower grades than you are used to.

  13. Rock star it, and get the best grades possible. It will enable you to get a great summer internship, qualify for more scholarships, and make it easier to get into your chosen major.

  14. Pick one hard class, one medium, and a course that you feel would not be a challenge for you to get a high grade in per quarter. Never take all challenging courses in one quarter. It will tank your overall GPA.

  15. Don’t eat yellow snow.

  16. Take advantage of the breadth of choice in classes, extracurriculars, opportunities…and have fun exploring!

  17. Find and stick with a mentor and use them at every chance.

  18. Lean on your friends and family.

  19. Get involved and have fun!

  20. It’s okay to ask for help- College is supposed to be hard! And even though it’s a challenge, it will be the best one of your life so far and you’ll have SO much fun doing it!

  21. WWGUD — What Would Grown Ups Do?

  22. Get in a group or activity that helps you create a smaller social network.

  23. Pick a major with jobs

  24. Get involved with groups and have fun

  25. It’s good to have a diverse knowledge base.

  26. Don’t be overwhelmed.

  27. Take advantage of your profs’ open office hours.

  28. Take easy classes for the first quarter. It is really hard to raise a grade point that starts low.

  29. Get ahead and stay ahead!

  30. I am happy to give you the advice my father gave me when he dropped me off at my dorm for the very first time. He said three things: (1.) Keep your head low and work like Hell. (2.) Don’t do anything you don’t want published on the front page of your hometown newspaper the next day. (3.) Don’t learn to play bridge until you at least have your BS.

  31. Just show up – going to class is the best favor you can do for yourself!

  32. Eat at Orange King!!

  33. Advisers are your friends.

  34. Take advantage of student tickets for football games. You won’t regret it!

  35. Join a club or group for social support, then go into science or engineering – there are lots of opportunities to build the job you want in these fields. And, when you take advantage of TA’s, office hours and mentors, I know you can learn the material!

  36. If you’re having trouble finding an extracurricular that interests you, ask upperclassmen and grad students what they’ve been involved in. It’s hard to discover all the fantastic opportunities the UW offers on your own.

  37. Try to find out the finals schedule before you register for your courses. It is no fun to have the hardest finals on same day OR after everyone else has left for break.

  38. Drink lots of good coffee and don’t let the little things get you down!

  39. Take the adjustment to living away from home and away from your friends in stride. It gets better! Don’t be afraid to seek help, and don’t be lured in by alcohol.

  40. Stay focused and aim high!

  41. Use the writing center!!!!!

  42. Study abroad. It’s the best decision you could make.

  43. Read, study, and pursue knowledge; it’s the main reason you are there. Take advantage of it. Also have fun, get involved, and don’t miss the cherry blossoms during spring break.

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