Dear Alumni

What was the best class you took outside your major?

167 Answers

  1. Actually, there were several. My major was geography. Light & color, geology, forestry and oceanography. They were based on pure science, not theory. Since I was trained as an electronic tech in the Navy, I see things more black and white, with empirical evidence support.

  2. Economics 435 taught by Jim Crutchfield in 1970. It was particularly memorable because that was the first economics course that I found was actually relevant for life in the real world. While introductory courses may serve some people, without examples for non-majors, the introductory courses are virtually useless.

  3. I took a human relations class while majoring in engineering. Once, while we were negotiating a labor settlement in class, the professor had us switch sides. Everyone learned more in that minute than any other time in their career about understanding other people.

    I also then changed majors to architecture so I could work with a wider variety of people. That was 400 building designs ago.

  4. All of the Art History classes I took. They have served me very well over the years.
    Hands down, art history. Loved it.

  5. History of Jazz. An audio slice of American history.

  6. Geology 101 with STAN CHERNICOFF! By far the most intriguing professor I had in my time there. I remember him meetings students one time for seconds at a time and he would remember their names for the entire quarter. Blew me away.

  7. SIS 590 Special Topics, National Security, International export controls, and trade (The title here might not be entirely correct) great course!

  8. Comparative History of Ideas (my major was Biochem)

  9. Philosophy of religion

  10. Creativity

  11. The Vikings

  12. Classics 101 – Latin and Greek in current use. Still helps when I run across I word I don’t know.

  13. Cultural Anthropology! I met my husband in that class …39 years ago! Not too shabby!! March 24, 1973!!

  14. ASTR301 Astronomy for Engineers. Prof Chris Law.

  15. Geology 101 with Stan Chernicoff as well! He is an incredible professor!

  16. History of Jazz and choir

  17. Human Sexuality. I’ve gotten to teach people more fun facts at bars from that class than I ever could have imagined.

  18. Art History: Polynesian Art & Culture

  19. Latin

  20. Vertebrate Paleontology! Taught in the basement of the Burke Museum.

  21. Beltran Geology 101

  22. Logic. But I’m geeky that way.

  23. Intro to Comparative Politics

  24. World Religion. Teaches you that we are more alike than different.

  25. COM 220: Intro to Public Speaking with Matt McGarrity

  26. POL S – 353: U S CONGRESS taught by Wikerson.

  27. Exploration Seminar through CHID in Capetown, South Africa! Wonderful way to get that study abroad experience if you can’t get away during the main three quarters.

  28. Microbiology

  29. American Pop Song

  30. Anglo American folk Music, circa 1991.

  31. Animal Behavior/Psychology with Professor M. Beecher. He is SO awesome.

  32. PHIL 160 – Perspectives on Science, Reason, and Reality. Awesome class.

  33. Ling 200. Turned a freshman intent on English toward Speech & Hearing Sciences!

  34. All the Art History classes! UW has great professors in that area

  35. Geology 101: Rocks for Jocks (Autumn 1983)

  36. Probably Exploring Social Anthropology- Anth 101

  37. Natural History of Puget Sound with Arthur Kruckeberg

  38. The Vikings

  39. Classics 101 – Latin and Greek in current use. Still helps when I run across I word I don’t know.

  40. Cultural Anthropology! I met my husband in that class …39 years ago! Not too shabby!! March 24, 1973!!

  41. ASTR301 Astronomy for Engineers. Prof Chris Law.

  42. Geology 101 with Stan Chernicoff as well! He is an incredible professor!

  43. History of Jazz and choir

  44. Human Sexuality. I’ve gotten to teach people more fun facts at bars from that class than I ever could have imagined.

  45. Art History: Polynesian Art & Culture

  46. Latin

  47. Vertebrate Paleontology! Taught in the basement of the Burke Museum.

  48. Beltran Geology 101

  49. Logic. But I’m geeky that way.

  50. Intro to Comparative Politics

  51. World Religion. Teaches you that we are more alike than different.

  52. COM 220: Intro to Public Speaking with Matt McGarrity

  53. POL S – 353: U S CONGRESS taught by Wikerson.

  54. Exploration Seminar through CHID in Capetown, South Africa! Wonderful way to get that study abroad experience if you can’t get away during the main three quarters.

  55. Microbiology

  56. American Pop Song

  57. Anglo American folk Music, circa 1991.

  58. Animal Behavior/Psychology with Professor M. Beecher. He is SO awesome.

  59. PHIL 160 – Perspectives on Science, Reason, and Reality. Awesome class.

  60. Ling 200. Turned a freshman intent on English toward Speech & Hearing Sciences!

  61. All the Art History classes! UW has great professors in that area

  62. Geology 101: Rocks for Jocks (Autumn 1983)

  63. Probably Exploring Social Anthropology- Anth 101

  64. Natural History of Puget Sound with Arthur Kruckeberg

  65. American Sign Language

  66. Puppetry

  67. American Environmental Thought/BIS 345 with Jennifer Atkinson … or possibly Sustainable Practices/BIS 240 with Rebeca Rivera.

  68. Sexuality in Scandinavia, Ia Dubois…loved her!

  69. I’ll echo Maurice and say ESS 105 (Processes and Hazards) with Stan Chernicoff. In a room with 250 people, he knew at least 200 by name by the end of the quarter. He sat with a group of students in the HUB for at least an hour after class, and showed a passion for his subject that was unrivaled in all my other undergrad classes. His distinguished teaching awards were well deserved!

  70. Psych 210.

  71. rEnglish, where all we read were mysteries. I wish I could remember my prof’s name. 🙁

  72. Rocks for Jocks

  73. Death and Dying with med students.

  74. Cultural Anthro at Shoreline with Sonia Solland..changed my life, Social Deviancy at UW with George Bridges (one of the best teachers EVER and he did a day targeting incoming Freshmen men about preventing date rape), Human sexuality, can’t remember her name..Cathy? something..that was over 25 years ago.

  75. Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales with Sir Sven Rossen, 20th Century Composers with Prof. Vilem Sokol, and PHIL 120(?) Contemporary Moral Problems.

  76. Astronomy 101

  77. Scandinavian Literature!

  78. UCONJ 410, probably in 1976!!! Got to see open-heart surgery that left quite an impression on me!!!

  79. Oh! And History of Mexican Art (don’t know if they offer this anymore, it was a night class and I still reference what I learned in that class, to this day. Amazing)

  80. The Art of Seeing. We went on a lot of field trips to meet and see Tacoman’s art and ‘art’ :).

  81. Sampson Murder!!!

  82. CSE 142, 143, the one for web programming (the number’s changed I think since I was there), and a Korean history class that I do no believe is on the list anymore 🙁

  83. Constitutional Law the summer of 1974. I earned 5 graduate credit hours and received my MLS!

  84. Glass Arts wins this contest. 5 hours per week in the hot shop at MoG!

  85. Civil War History

  86. Europe in the Second World War with Dr. Bridgman in 1982.

  87. Geology 101

  88. Gospel choir!

  89. Environmental psychology

  90. Adolescent psych with Trista huckleberry

  91. Military History, Arther Ferrill!

  92. Psych 210. Although, reading the other comments, I gotta admit, Human Sexuality was a pretty great class too…..

  93. History of European Witch Trials and all Dance

  94. Biology

  95. Anything in Anthropology.

  96. Hans Christian Anderson Fairy Tales and Philosophy 101

  97. Intro to Jazz music!

  98. Guest Astronomy 150 with NASA astronaut George Pinky\” Nelson! He would show “”””home movies””””–which were his NASA missions!”””,0,1,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0,,0,84,,,,
    351,21,Answer:,,,,0000-00-00 00:00:00,0000-00-00 00:00:00,Continuing Education Stock Market Classes. Wish I had known about them when I was an undergrad.,0,1,Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0,,0,84,,,,
    352,21,Answer:,,,,0000-00-00 00:00:00,0000-00-00 00:00:00,”Murder, the sociology course.

  99. Continuing Education Stock Market Classes. Wish I had known about them when I was an undergrad.

  100. Murder, the sociology course.

  101. I took a whole class on Chaucer.

  102. Comparative Literature -Willis Konick

  103. Cultural Anthropology

  104. Curtis Principles of Social Anthropology (Anth 202) in 1984. Wonderful
    class that really broadened my understanding of people, of cultures, of societies.

  105. History of the atomic bomb

  106. Arch 102 or physical anthropology- and also popular literature

  107. Anything Archaeology!

  108. Communications with prof Baldasty!!! Anything he taught was great.

  109. French Fairy Tales, or Classical Literature.

  110. CLAS101 Greek & Latin in Current Use (roots of English words). Sounds dry but wasn’t at all!

  111. Astronomy!

  112. biology, followed by anthropology

  113. Psychobiology of Women 357

  114. Business, Government & Society

  115. Astronomy at UW was awesome too

  116. Physical geography

  117. Ethnomusicology!

  118. All of Willis Konick’s classes!

  119. Entrepreneurship

  120. Jazz Dancing hands down!

  121. History of Paris with Raymond Jonas and ESRM Spring Comes to the Cascades with Tom Hinckley

  122. Anthropolgy…

  123. Storytelling from Spencer G. Shaw

  124. I was never even remotely interested in history (I was in CSE) – but the World History class I took from Professor Jon Bridgman in Kane Hall really opened my eyes. Professor Bridgman is a real treasure, the world needs more teachers like him.

  125. Philosophy

  126. Psych 210!

  127. sOceanography

  128. ART 383 INTERACTION DESIGN by Axel Roesler in 2006.

  129. Mexican Art History. The best!

  130. The drama intro to acting series

  131. World history, Jon Bridgman

  132. Geology 101, especially the field trip to the San Juan’s!

  133. COM 202 with Prof. Crispin Thurlow!

  134. Geophysics 425 lecture series. Basically an hour a week listening to all these fascinating lectures on what people in the astronomy department were working on. In 1996 i listened to Don Brownlee described the planned StarDust mission (which eventually launched in ’99, collected dust from the tail of a comet, and returned it to earth in 2006). Felt like you were on the inside track to all this work that eventually made national news.

  135. Ancient Roman Law with Hugh Spitzer and an upper level English class on the history of the mystery novel — best reading list ever!

  136. COM 220 Public Speaking with Matt McGarrity

  137. Two: Human Sexuality and Geology 101 (1976 or so).

  138. History and practices of ancient astronomy.

  139. billiard lessons during lunch at a local pool hall….$1 a game. Got a quick education.

  140. Professor Doug Keefe’s Systematic Musicology course. He also served on my dissertation committee before leaving UW for Boystown Nebraska.

  141. a FREE Life Biology class offered during the summer…it was 8 credits and paid for by a Howard Hughes grant. We went places (eastern washington, the zoo), got things (a $100 gift card at a pet store), free items from different science departments…loved it!

  142. Nutrition 300 (I was a business / accounting major) – great info on what it takes to live a healthy lifestyle, glad I learned early that diets & fads won’t work over the long run. Plus just interesting info on the science side of it for someone who likes to understand why and how things work.

  143. Negotiations

  144. rENG 369 Fiction and Film (1989)

  145. Promes Anthropology

  146. English,Music(american pop songs),education psychology and General Studies

  147. Sociology

  148. #NAME?

  149. German 293: Introduction to Contemporary German Culture

  150. As a geology major I took Architecture History at the 100 level from Prof. Herman Pundt. By the time I was finishing my BS I knew I wanted to be an architect. Two years of work to pay some debts and save and another two years of school for an architecture degree got me on the way. Architecture is what I still do and I have the best job in the world! Architecture History at UW from a passionate teacher made all the difference.

  151. Bill Holm’s Pacific Coast Native American art…beautiful slides but challenging final!

  152. Comparative Lit with Willis/ then Animal Behavior

  153. Ballet

  154. Intro to Logic

  155. Pacific coast native anerican culture. great teacher.

  156. history of african american music.

  157. medieval history with Jon Bridgeman.

  158. Business Communications. Prepared me for the business world better than any other class!

  159. History of Media and Geology 101… absolutely changed my perspective on everything 🙂

  160. History of Washington and the Pacific Northwest.

  161. PSYCH 210 – I still talk about it 5 years later.

  162. Soviet era Russian History from a professor born in Russia. This was in 1965m

  163. German History, 1914-1945: taught by Jon Bridgeman. Wow! I was a freshie in with a huge group of graduating seniors. After that, any class taught by Prof. Bridgeman (and I took many). (I was a double art major but hooked on history as well.) Also, Prof. Ellison’s class on Russian history.

  164. A class called Great Books in the English Dept. everything from Job in the Bible to Hemingway. Great Prof. and we had some post class meetings @ Murphy’s Pub!

  165. At the time, it was Extinctions with Donald Grayson. It really helped me critically analyze published research papers with a critical eye. It was so good, in fact, I switched out of MAGH into General Anth. ESS 100: Dinosaurs with Liz Nesbitt was also great.

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