UW Department
of Applied Mathematics


The Applied Mathematics faculty are the authors of many articles including the following:

Nonlinear baroclinic adjustment and wavenumber selection in a simple case,
W.T. Welch and K.K. Tung, J. Atmospheric Sci., revised, 1996
Water-vapor feedback in global warming -- a statistical analysis of tropical-mean data,,
H. Yang and K.K. Tung, J. Climate, submitted, 1997
Modeling the global inter-annual variability of the ozone column due to the equatorial quasi-biennial oscillation and extra-tropical planetary wave variability,
J.S. Kinnersley and K.K. Tung, J. Atmospheric Sci., submitted, 1997
On the equilibrium spectrum of transient waves in the atmosphere,
W.T. Welch and K.K. Tung, J. Atmospheric Sci., submitted, 1997
Linear vs. nonlinear neutralization of baroclinic flows,
K.K. Tung and W.T. Welch, J. Atmospheric Sci., submitted, 1997
Time-Dependent Nonlinear Hadley Circulation,
K.K. Tung and M. Fang, J. Atmospheric Sci., submitted, 1997

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