Applied Mathematics - University of Washington AMATH University of Washington

SIAM Student Chapter

What is SIAMUW?

SIAMUW is one of several student chapters of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, (SIAM) across the nation. SIAMUW is an organization for undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty at the University of Washington interested in the application of mathematical techniques to real world problems in science and industry

All students, faculty, and university-affiliated personnel interested in the applications of mathematics are encouraged to join. Student members of SIAMUW will receive a complimentary membership in SIAM, including the receipt of SIAM News, electronic access to SIAM Review, and discounts on SIAM books, journals, and conference registrations. All members will also be encouraged to participate in activities sponsored by SIAMUW, which will include a regular lecture series and a quarterly social function.

Donate now to the SIAMUW coffee fund!

Math Fair

One of our major chapter actvities is running a Math Fair for various elementary schools in the greater Seattle area. Find out more about this exciting program by clicking on the link above, or clicking here.

Contact Information

For more information contact

Individuals interested in joining SIAMUW can join electronically on the SIAM website, or talk to one of our current board members:


Subscribe to our Google Calendar for up to date information on talks, seminars, and other events:


Graduate Student Seminars

Speakers from various departments and labs are invited to present talks regarding their current research with a question and answer session in a friendly and casual setting. Unless otherwise stated, seminars take place

Thursdays, 2:30 PM in Lewis 208

Boeing Colloquia Pre-Talks:

In conjunction with the Applied Math Department's Boeing Distinguished Colloquia, SIAMUW sponsors a pre-talk with the invited speaker starting one hour before the public lecture.

Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Lewis Hall #202, Box 353925, Seattle, WA 98195-3925 USA
Email 'info' (at Phone 206-543-5493 Fax 206-685-1440