Applied Mathematics - University of Washington AMATH University of Washington

SIAM Student Chapter


2016 TEAM: S. Allen, B. Baraldi, B. Deconinck, R. Creedon, J. Kerin, Y. Feng, K. Maass, K. Oliveras, O. Trichtchenko, J. Upsal

We're constantly challenging our minds, now we're also challenging our bodies in order to raise money for our community at UW. A team of 6 students, 1 postdoctoral research associate, 1 faculty, 1 staff and 1 alumni will participate in the Seattle half marathon on November 27th, 2016 to raise money for graduate students in the applied math department. Our goal is to raise $10,000 to provide support for student activities run through SIAM's (the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics) UW student chapter, such as poster competitions, math outreach, conference participation, activities for female and minority graduate students, inviting speakers for presentations to SIAM UW, etc. A similar fundraiser 7 years ago has sustained these activities until recently, but those funds are now depleted. Applied Mathematicians at UW:
  • develop numerical methods and tools to simulate and assess potential danger from volcanic eruption, flooding and tsunami induction for the Puget Sound area and around the world
  • research dynamics of neurons in the brain to better understand how they encode and make decisions about the sensory world
  • develop data methods for reduced-order and equation-free modeling, and machine learning, and compressive sensing for applications across the engineering, physical and biological sciences
  • investigate and model the chemical systems and molecular motors that drive all processes in the body
  • educate the next generation both at the university and local elementary schools
Please support our graduate student program and help us reach our goal!

Donations can be made online or in the form of a check. Checks may be made out to the 'University of Washington Foundation' and sent to: Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington Lewis Hall #202, Box 353925, Seattle, WA 98195-3925 USA.

To donate online, please click here and select the Friends of Applied Mathematics Fund. In either case a receipt will be mailed to donors for tax deduction purposes.

Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Lewis Hall #202, Box 353925, Seattle, WA 98195-3925 USA
Email 'info' (at Phone 206-543-5493 Fax 206-685-1440