Applied Mathematics - University of Washington AMATH University of Washington

SIAM Student Chapter

SIAMUW Weekly Seminar

The SIAMUW seminar is a student-run seminar series for the masters and Ph.D. students Applied Mathematics Department. Our most exciting role is to provide an opportunity for our students to personally meet with the Boeing Distinguished Colloquia speakers. We also host talks, given by fellow graduate students throughout the university, on student research topics as well as on tools that help make us more productive and effective students and researchers.

The SIAMUW Dropbox

Talk-related and generally useful files will be put in our public SIAMUW Dropbox. Click here to access the SIAMUW Dropbox.

  1. (02 Oct. 2014) "A PhD Student's Survival Guide". Speaker: Randy LeVeque. slides (pdf)

Past Talks

  1. (02 Oct. 2014) "A PhD Student's Survival Guide". Speaker: Bernard Deconinck. slides (pdf)
  2. (1 May 2014) "Matlab tips and tricks". Speaker: Chris Jones. Links: Matlab Scripts Cell Arrays Summary Structures Summary
  3. (13 Jan. 2014) "How to Design a Poster?". Speaker: Chris Swierczewski (slides by Joy Zhou). slides (pptx)
  4. (7 Nov. 2013) "Surviving Grad School". Speaker: Randy LeVeque. slides (pptx)
  5. (27 Sept. 2012) "A Ph.D. Student's Survival Guide". Speaker: Bernard Deconinck. slides (pdf)
  6. (11 Oct. 2012) "The Scholarship Talk" Speaker: Mikala Johnson. slides (pptx)
  7. (11 Apr. 2013) "LaTeX and Computing Tips". Speaker: Olga Trichtchenko and Chris Swierczewski.
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Lewis Hall #202, Box 353925, Seattle, WA 98195-3925 USA
Email 'info' (at Phone 206-543-5493 Fax 206-685-1440