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PubMed Search Techniques

Table of Contents:


*      PubMed Overview


*    Access, Navigation and Help


*   Basic Search

                   * Author search

                   * Simple subject search

                   * Using limits to narrow the search


*  Displaying, printing and saving results   


* Other PubMed features


* Saving searches

                   * Save as bookmark

                   * Cubby

* Other PubMed services

                   * Journal browser

                   * MSH browser

                   * Citation matcher

* PubMed overview

  • Developed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) in conjunction with publishers
  • Provides access to bibliographic information including MEDLINE and additional life science journals and links to full-text of journal articles.
  • Includes citations and abstracts to journal articles in:
    • MEDLINE - biomedical journals citations
      • back to mid-1960s
      • international coverage
      • updated weekly
    • In Process Citations
      • added daily
      • not yet indexed (no MeSH terms)
    • Publisher supplied citations - beyond MEDLINE
    • HealthSTAR journal citations and journals entries from other NLM databases
  • Web access - no charge
  • Part of a larger system, Entrez, a search and retrieval system that integrates information from genetics databases at NCBI
  • Evolving System



* Access, Navigation and Help


PubMed Horizontal navigation bar, query box and features bar


  • Black horizontal bar - return to search screen by clicking on 'PubMed'
  • Query Box
  • Features Bar


PubMed Services

  • Journal Browser - identify journal indexed and abbreviated journal titles
  • MeSH Browser - identify indexing terms
  • Single Citation Matcher - identify journal article with incomplete citation information
  • Cubby - store and update searches. Customize LinkOut display
  • Clinical Queries - specialized search, for clinical questions, that has built-in search "filters" to retrieve research based citations.

Related Resources

  • Order Documents - establish contract with a particular library to order full-text of journal articles. See Finding Full-Text for more information
  • Consumer Health - Health information for patients

Clinical Alerts - 'news' items on significant NIH-funded clinical trial


* Basic Search

  • Single Search Query Box
  • Features Bar - Limits, Preview/Index, History, Clipboard

Format: lastname initial(s)

    • first and middle names - initials only
    • automatic truncation

HINT: Authors names differ by publication - some publications use first initial only; other include middle initials
If too many hits with one initial, add middle initial

  • Basic Subject Search and Setting Limits  
    • enter the most significant words
    • 'automatic mapping' feature will interpret your search terms

Use Limit Feature to restrict search results

    • Language
    • Date
      • Entrez Date - date when entered into the database
      • Publication Date
    • Field - eg title, indexing terms, abstract
    • Human/Animal
    • Publication Types - eg Review, Meta-analysis, Clinical Trial
    • Ages
    • Subsets - eg dental journals, nursing journals, AIDS subset
    • Gender

NOTE: Limits in place until you removed. Check appears in Limit box

Search Results

  • Click on author name link to view abstract
  • Click in boxes to left of citations to view selected citations as a group or to add to clipboard
  • In Abstract and Citation Format
    • Icon under citation information to Publishers site
      NOTE: Possible availability only. May charge or have delivery restrictions.
    • Related articles  [Slide3]  [Slide4] 
      • Displays closely related citations
      • PubMed compares words from the title and abstract of each citation as well as MeSH terms assigned, using a powerful word-weighted algorithm.
      • hints:
        • Original article is listed first.
        • Display is from the most to least relevant.
  • LinkOut
    • Other content providers
    • Possible availability only
    • Customize display using Cubby
    • Evolving system - will change in future


* Displaying, printing and saving results

PubMed Action bar





Display Defaults

  • Summary citations
  • 20 citations per page
  • Last In First Out (basically reverse chronological order)

Use features in gray bar to modify results display, save, print

  • Citation Formats
    • Default is Summary format
    • To change format choose from pull-down list and
      • re-do search or
      • click display
    • Summary - default
    • Abstract
    • Citation - abstract format plus MeSH terms
    • MEDLINE - complete record. Needed for import into programs such as EndNote, Reference Manager
  • Docs per page
    • Default is to display 20 documents per web page
    • To change page length choose from pull-down list and
      • re-do search or
      • click display
  • Move through pages using page numbers at right-hand end of gray bar
  • Print
    • Use Text button to redisplay before printing to remove framing and buttons.
    • use web browser print function
  • Save
    • For saving to floppy or hard disk
    • Mac, PC, or Unix/ text or html.
    • Save button available at top and bottom of each results page.

1.                  every citation of page;

2.                  select and redisplay in desired format then save; or

3.                  add to clipboard   [Slide5] 

  • Order
    • Add items you want to order to the Clipboard.
    • Once you've got the set of citations for articles you want to order click the Order button in the Clipboard.
    • Uses 'Loansome Doc' system to electronically order from library with whom you have an agreement for services. See Finding Full-Text for more information.


* Other PubMed features

  • Clipboard  [Slide6]  [Slide7] 
    Area where you can place citations before printing, saving, or downloading.
    • You can store up to 500 citations to print or download from multiple searches.
    • Access 'Order' within Clipboard
    • Sorting available
    • Items remain in Clipboard for limited time (one hour of inactivity)
  • Preview/Index
    Preview allows you to see number of search results without going to results page

Index allows you to:

    • Allows you to view a listing of terms within a search field
    • Select terms to build a search strategy

Using Preview/Index

    • Type term or phrase in search box
    • View index of all fields or limit to specific field
    • Use 'Up' and 'Down' buttons to browse further
    • Postings numbers in parentheses to right of term
    • Hold down control key while highlighting to select multiple terms
    • Click 'OR' button to add to query box
  • History  
    • Holds all your search strategies and results
    • Available after you run your first search.
    • Access from Features Bar.
    • Maximum number of queries in history is 100.
    • Lost after 1 hour of inactivity.
    • 'Clear History' button at bottom of screen removes all queries in history.
    • Place # before search statement number.
    • Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT in caps
    • Can use parentheses, limits, etc.

     [Slide8]  [Slide9]  [Slide10] 


* Saving searches


Obtaining Full-Text of Journal Articles


* Other PubMed services

Journal Browser

  • Search for journals by journal title, title abbreviation, or International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)  [Slide22]  [Slide23] 
  • A list of journals with links to full-text is also included  [Slide24]  [Slide25] 

MeSH Browser  


Citation Indexing

  • Subject specialists located worldwide look at citations and assign subject headings
  • most specific term used for indexing
  • 7-10 terms assigned per citation
  • 2-3 terms are chosen as main points of article - major subject headings

Using MeSH Browser

  • Type term or phrase in search box
  • Next screen shows heirarchical relation to other terms
  • Go to detailed display - options
    • Explosions - allows you to search for general and more specific search terms together search for 'children' terms indented below in tree)
    • limit to major emphasis
    • Subheadings
    • Click on Add button.

Single Citation Matcher

Fill-in-the-blank form that allows you to enter partial journal citation information to locate a record for a specific single article, or items indexed from a particular volume or issue of a journal to look for a single citation.  [Slide33]  [Slide34] 


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This project is a joint effort of the University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine
and the United States Centers for Disease Control. It is an approved APEC project.  


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