Air Pollution Training Center
Site Location Code: WA063
Wilcox Hall, Room 264
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington

EPA Air Pollution Distance Learning Network Schedule
(Pacific  Time)
Event Number
Event Title
Oct 27, 2004
Sign-up with UW
Context Sensitive Solutions for Transportation: A Better Way
(Center for Transportation & Environment, NC State Univ)
Context sensitive solutions (CSS) has been considered traditionally as a concept that promotes flexibility in highway and bridge design; however, transportation agencies are now  using CSS principles as a decision-making framework. The three pillars of transportation-oriented CSS support the development of collaborative solutions that (1) meet the transportation need, (2) serve as a community asset, and (3) protect the environment. This broadcast will examine how CSS is currently enhancing transportation decision making at all functional levels and will address the transportation agency institutional factors that can help or hinder the application of CSS principles and present case studies of state DOT efforts,
 Oct 28, 2004
 10:00 - 11:15am
Sign-up with UW
  Air Quality Kits to Go, Asthma Series (Grades 3-12),
an Outreach Training Resource
Nov 17, 2004
10:00 - 11:15am
Sign-up with UW
Paper and Other Web Coating (POWC)
 NESHAP Rule Basics

Dec 16, 2004
Sign-up with UW
Transportation & Public Health: State of Science
(Center for Transportation & Environment, NC State Univ)
Public health concerns related to transportation reflect a broad range of issues, including pedestrian and motorist safety, hazardous materials remediation, and human health and physical fitness. While the body of scientific knowledge about the relationship between transportation and public health is growing, there is still much to learn regarding the criteria that determine when a transportation factor graduates from an “association” to a “causation” of health effects, as well as to what extent human behavior influences transportation choices affecting health and physical fitness. More dialogue is needed to help decision makers identify the best available science to inform current policy decisions and best management practices. This broadcast will feature representatives from federal and state transportation agencies as well as researchers from universities and the Centers for Disease Control to discuss the current state of the science and future research needs with regard to transportation and public health issues.
Updated  Oct 11, 2004
Daylight Savings time ends Sunday Oct. 31, 2004

Sign-up with UW is to inform U of Washington.  EPA Class Registration is required  for Courses numbered T300-00 to T499-00.
Telecourse descriptions are presented online by the EPA Education & Outreach Group (which is located in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina)

The EPA televised program down link site is located in room 264 of Wilcox Hall. Wilcox Hall is located on the University of Washington main campus west of the Husky football Stadium and south of the tall green-colored power plant smokestack.
   For maps of the University of Washington area select here.    For Seattle area map click here.

Internet Simulcast Information:
Some of the EPA Televised Workshops and Televised Seminars are being broadcast simultaneously via the internet.  You need to have installed RealPlayer  on your computer and your Internet connection speed should be at least 128 kb/sec to ensure good video.  RealPlayer is available free of charge and can be downloaded from the Internet site On the day of the broadcast, go to  the Internet site and follow the instructions for viewing the simulcast - clicking on the broadcast date.

Seminar and Workshop Registration:
For EPA Televised Workshops and Televised Seminars (identified in the schedule with course numbers ranging from T001-00 to T099-00) you need only sign-up with the University of Washington using the University of Washington online sign-up (which emails your EPA Televised Workshop/Seminar sign-up to the University of Washington Air Pollution Training Center). University of Washington online sign-up for Workshops and Seminars

Dr. Michael J. Pilat
Professor of Civil Engineering           Phone:  206 543-4789         FAX:  206 685-3836
University of Washington
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Box 352700
Seattle, WA 98195-2700

EPA Course Registration:
For EPA Televised 300 and 400 level courses (identified in the schedule with course numbers ranging from T300-00 to T499-00), pre-registration with the EPA Air Pollution Training Institute (APTI) is required. To become a "registered student", you need to complete an EPA Application for Training Form (which only needs to be filled out once as this initiates an EPA training record base). To register for an APTI telecourse, you need to complete the EPA Class Registration Form and mail or FAX this form directly to EPA APTI. Also, it would be helpful to communicate to the University of Washington that you plan to participate in the EPA Televised 300 or 400 level course by signing up to attend using the University of Washington online sign-up (this enables the University of Washington to know you plan to attend the televised 300 or 400 level course at the University of Washington).

How to Obtain APTI Course Materials

Telecourse descriptions are presented online by the EPA Education & Outreach Group (which is located in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina). Note that the times listed on the EPA Education & Outreach Group web site (i.e. - North Carolina) are Eastern Times! If you plan on attending a telecourse at the University of Washington, reference the times listed in the above table which are in Pacific Time!

The EPA Air Pollution Training Institute (APTI) in conjunction with the Air Pollution Distance Learning Network (APDLN) offers educational satellite broadcasting of courses. The broadcasting network consists of nearly 100 governmental and university broadcast affiliates and down link sites located across the United States. The down link site in the Seattle area is at the University of Washington Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The down link site is located in room 264 of Wilcox Hall. Wilcox Hall is located on the University of Washington main campus west of Husky Stadium. For maps of the University of Washington area select here. For Seattle area map click here.

Toxic Particulate Air Pollutant Emissions from Diesel Engines
It has been reported by the California Air Resources Board (and the California South Coast Air Quality Management District study) that diesel engine particulate matter appears to be responsible for over 70% of the cancer risk from air pollution exposure in California.  The cancer risk is in the range of about 1000 diesel exhaust caused cancers per million people over 70 years. The California EPA reports that the unit cancer risk factor for diesel engine exhaust particles (PM10) is 0.0003 cancer risk / (microgram PM10 particles/cubic meter air).  The State and Territorial Air Pollution Program Administrators (STAPPA) and  the Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officials (ALAPCO) have news releases regarding their concerns of  the risk of cancer posed by airborne diesel engine emitted particulates.  Ch 8 of the EPA Health Effects Document for Diesel Exhaust reports the environmental cancer risk for exposure to diesel exhaust may range from 10 to 1000 per million people assuming that the cancer risk is linearly proportional to total lifetime exposure.  The EPA study did not address the two segments of the population which may be at higher risk: children who may be more sensitive to early life diesel exhaust exposure and those who are additionally exposed to non-road sources of diesel exhaust.  The EPA declined to provide a cancer unit risk factor for diesel exhaust. In July 2001, EPA announced a diesel particulate filter retrofit program for the Puget Sound area of Washington State.
Links to some web sites on diesel particulate emissions are shown below.

Diesel Filter Retrofit Progam for Puget Sound Announced by EPA in July 2001

"Diesel Solutions" by Puget Sound Clean Air Agency

Calif Southcoast AQMD study shows diesels responsible for about 70% of air pollution cancer risk

Calif Air Resources Board Toxic Air Contaminant Emissions from Diesel Engines

Calif Diesel Cancer Risk Characterization Scenarios

STAPPA and ALAPCO News Release on Cancers Estimated from Diesel Soot

Diesel Emissions and Control Technology

How Diesel School buses Threaten Our Children's Health

Everett Washington Clean Diesel School Bus Retrofit Program

"No Breathing in Diesel School Bus Aisles", Feb. 2001 Report

NRDC Testimony on Diesel Bus Emission Standards, June 19, 2000

Johnson Matthey Receive England's MacRoberts Award for Development of Diesel Engine Emission Filter

EPA Health Assessment Document for Diesel Exhaust (July 2000)

EPA Diesel Retrofit website

Other Links:

Air and Waste Management Association - Puget Sound Chapter - Pacific Northwest International Section

American Lung Association of Washington

EPA Region 10 - Seattle - Office of Air Quality (OAQ)

Benton Clean Air Authority

Innovative Transportation Technologies

The National Research Center for Statistics and the Environment

Northwest Air Pollution Authority

Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Puget Sound Clean Air Agency formally the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency

Spokane County Air Pollution Control Agency

TTN Web: Technology Transfer Network- EPA Technology Transfer Network

University of Washington Home Page

Washington State Environmental Impact (SEPA) Register

Washington State Department of Ecology - Air Quality Program

If you have any suggestions contact Air Pollution Training Center (APTC) Site Coordinator or Fax to (206) 685-3836.

Site Director:

Dr. Michael J. Pilat
Professor of Civil Engineering
University of Washington
Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering
Box 352700
Seattle, WA 98195-2700