University of Washington Astrobiology Program

Fall 2011

A Generous (and Caffeinated) Gift

For years, the Astrobiology Program has offered a fall (and spring) seminar series for graduate students as well as the general campus and interested public. This year was no different. In the fall 2011 quarter we enjoyed hosting a variety of presentations from UW Astrobiology students, faculty, postdocs and visiting scholars such as Dr. David Des Marais (NASA Ames), Professor Barbara Sherwood Lollar (University of Toronto), Dr. Robert Tyler (Goddard Space Flight Center), and Dr. Kevin Walsh (Southwest Research Institute).

One difference this quarter, however, was the addition of a well-attended "Astrobiology Coffee Break" that included coffee, tea, and cookies for our speakers and seminar attendees. The Coffee Break provided an invaluable opportunity for members of the UW Astrobiology community -- ranging from senior faculty, to students, to interested members of the public -- to connect every week, share ideas, and spend thirty minutes welcoming pioneering astrobiologists to campus.

The Astrobiology Coffee Break was made possible by a generous gift from UWAB Supporter Robert Frost and the Friends of Astrobiology. Gifts such as these help to keep the Astrobiology Program at the University of Washington a vibrant community where collaboration and new ideas flow like, well, fresh coffee.

As 2011 draws to a close, please consider giving to the UW Astrobiology Program. Gifts can be made securely, online through the University of Washington Foundation. Gifts to the Friends of Astrobiology fund support valuable programs like the Astrobiology Seminar, Public Lectures, and other community-building events. Similarly, gifts to the Astrobiology Graduate Support Fund go directly to support our world-class graduate students as they conduct research, work in the field, and complete their training as the next generation of astrobiologists.

Your continuing support is both critical and most appreciated in these challenging financial times.


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Photos: (Upper Left) Graduate Student Jeff Bowman catches up with Prof. Woody Sullivan and fellow student Rika Anderson after returning from recent field work. (Lower Right) Prof. John Baross and graduate student Marcela Ewert Sarmiento meet and compare notes over hot coffee on a cold fall afternoon.