University of Washington Astrobiology Program

Fall 2012

Mixing and Connecting: The Colloquium Coffee Break

In Fall 2012, UWAB again picked up where we left off with our very popular bi-annual seminar series, which we typically offer each spring and fall quarter. This series offers a wide variety of astrobiology talks for graduate students, as well as the greater campus community and members of the public. This quarter, we hosted presentations from UW Astrobiology students, faculty, postdocs, and visiting scholars such as Dr. Sara Walker (Arizona State University), Prof. Dorian Abbot (University of Chicago), Prof. Boswell Wing (McGill University), Prof. David Brain (UC Boulder), and Dr. Heshan Illangkoon (Blue Marble Institute of Science).

In addition to coming together to share our science, this year we also continued our new tradition of the “Astrobiology Coffee Break”, where for thirty minutes before each talk, our speakers and attendees mingle and enjoy casual conversation over coffee, tea, and cookies. This Coffee Break has proved an invaluable opportunity for members of the UW Astrobiology community - ranging from senior faculty, to students, to interested members of the public - to connect, get to know each other, and explore new ideas. For example, this year, it provided a forum where an astronomer exchanged knowledge and new ideas with oceanographers about the effect of tidal heating on water worlds!

The 2012 Astrobiology Coffee Break was made possible thanks to a generous gift from UWAB Supporter William Baker. Gifts such as these help to maintain the cohesiveness of this amazingly diverse community that makes the University of Washington's Astrobiology Program a leader in interdisciplinary education and research.

As 2012 comes to an end, please consider giving to the UW Astrobiology Program. Gifts can be made securely, online through the University of Washington Foundation. Gifts to the Friends of Astrobiology fund support valuable programs like the Astrobiology Seminar, Public Lectures, and other community-building events. Similarly, gifts to the Astrobiology Graduate Support Fund go directly to support our world-class graduate students as they conduct research, work in the field, and complete their training as the next generation of astrobiologists.

Your continuing support is both critical and most appreciated in these challenging financial times.

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Photos: (Top right) The UW Astrobiology community gathers together to share knowledge and treats. Who can resist cookies? (Bottom left) Graduate Student Jeff Bowman catches up with Prof. Woody Sullivan and fellow student Rika Anderson.

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