B4T Research Laboratory

Lab Safety


B4T has consistently passed UW safety inspections, thanks to our team members continued efforts. Every lab member must be committed to follow this tradition and help us to keep our research environment safe.

This is an online version of the lab safety manual and required documentation. Every member of the lab must complete the required general training and upload their certificates, and take their lab-specific PPE hazard assessment on this website before they are allowed to work in the B4T laboratory.

Standard Operating Procedures (Last Checked: Jun 2023) 

Lab Survey Questionnaire (2023 Inspection) 

Access MSDS or update myChem

Useful Links

UW Online Accident Reporting System (OARS)

See the status of lab Personnel Training

My Research Portal

UW PI Dashboard

Areas to Improve (2020)

PLEASE NOTE: COVID-19 related restrictions are likely to be in place for the remainder of 2020. 

If you are a B4T member and have any EHS training that are expired, you need to update them as soon as possible. You will not be allowed to do experiments unless the trainings are up do date. Use the links above to see your training status, and use the lab member services panel (right side) to complete EH&S trainings.

Inspection recommendations:

  • Chemicals and solutions should be stored in bottles not flasks. Those not in active use should be closed with a cap/lid or put in sealed secondary containment that will prevent spills. Foil and parafilm are not acceptable.
  • Separate SOPs and storage are required for organic and inorganic acids
  • Annual self-inspections must be carried out

Areas to Improve (2019)

1) Complete your training documentation and update MyChem inventory AND contacts (lab members). Please log in to B4T using your main NetID and complete the documentation.
There is information on how to provide documentation for each of the items.
For those that need my signature, please leave them in PI’s mailbox.
2) please make sure any CONTAINER with your specimen, material or solution has been properly labeled. Proper label should include your name, date and materials. For example, the inspector pointed the seemingly blue solution in the beaker on the shelf and asked how everyone in the lab knows what to do if it spills. Valid point in my opinion. PLEASE LABEL ALL YOUR RESEARCH RELATED CONTAINERS. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE RESEARCH UNRELATED ITEMS IN THE LAB. PLEASE CLEAN UP AND TIDY UP AFTER EACH EXPERIMENT.

Areas to Improve (2018)

1-      If you are a B4T member and have any EHS training that are expired, you need to update them as soon as possible. You will not be allowed to do experiments unless the trainings are up do date. Use the links above to see your training status, and use the lab member services panel (right side) to complete EH&S trainings.

2-      Chemicals and specimens need to be labeled properly for storage. We cannot keep acids everywhere in the lab, all the chemicals must be stored based on their category in cabinets. Cabinets should be labelled for acids and flammables.  If you work with chemicals, make sure all you chemicals are properly identified and listed in myChem of B162. 

3-      If glass is broken and needs to be discarded: use a cardboard box, label it with PI name and room number, and seal with “Laboratory Glass” tape or clearly label box as “Laboratory Glass.” We have cardboards in the lab, just remember this policy if you happen to discard glass.