
Baltic Studies Summer Institute

BALSSI Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian classes June 27, 2003

The Baltic Studies Summer Institute (BALSSI) offers intensive Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian language courses. BALSSI also offers English-language courses about Baltic history and culture, as well as rich cultural enhancement programs.

The Tenth Annual BALSSI is hosted by the University of Washington in Seattle, and will take place from June 23 to August 22, 2003.

Courses - Events  - BALSSI Consortium - BALSSI 2004 - Contact us

Language Courses (15 credits each)

ESTO 150: Intensive Estonian. Monday thru Friday, 8:30-12:30, Parrington 120. Instructor: Piibi-Kai Kivik
LATV 150: Intensive Latvian. Monday thru Friday, 8:30-12:30, Parrington 322.  Instructor: Dzidra Rodins
LITH 150: Intensive Lithuanian. Monday thru Friday, 8:30-12:30, Parrington 213.  Instructor: Rimas Şilinskas

Baltic Topics Courses (5 credits each)

  • HSTEU 454/SCAND 454 Baltic History. A-Term (Jun 23-Jul 23), Monday thru Friday 1:10-3:20 pm, Communications 120. Instructor: Bradley Woodworth
  • SCAND 230/COMPLIT 230: Folklore Studies/Baltic Folklore. B-Term (Jul 24-Aug 22), Monday thru Friday 1:10-3:20 pm, Thomson 119. Instructor: Guntis Ğmidchens

Courses with Baltic Content (5 credits)

  • SCAND 330: Scandinavian Mythology. Patricia Conroy
  • SCAND 336: Scandinavian Film. Andrew Nestingen
  • SCAND 367: Sexuality in Scandinavia. Ia DuBois

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Special events at BALSSI 2003 include...
Click here for printable, complete calendar of events

Symposium: Baltic after 2002
(August 8-9, 2003): Participants: Walter C. Clemens, Juris Dreifelds, Toivo Raun, Saulius Suşiedelis

Midsummer Celebration

Tuesday and Thursday evenings:
Baltic Film Series

Panel: Medicine in the Baltic
(July 17, 2003) Participants: Tiina Oviir (UW, Dentistry), Youri Vater (UW, Anesthesiology), Patricia Kuszler (UW, Law), Zaiga Phillips (Pediatrics)
Concerts: Latvian world music group Iïìi (August 16); Tartu Academic Men's Choir (Aug 21); Estonian kannel player Kristi Mühling (Aug 12)

and more...


Other events on the West Coast:
Aug 16-20 (overlap with BALSSI) West Coast Estonian Days, Oregon
Aug 27-Sept 1: West Coast Latvian Song Festival, California
Oct 5-6: 16th Annual Los Angeles Lithuanian Fair. 
Information (323) 664-2723

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Baltic Studies Summer Institute Consortium: BALSSI is sponsored by a consortium of nine American universities: University of California-Los Angeles, the University of Illinois (at Urbana and at Chicago), Indiana University, the University of Iowa, the University of Michigan, the University of Texas-Austin, the University of Washington and the University of Wisconsin.  Universities interested in joining the consortium are invited to write to the BALSSI consortium coordinator, Guntis Smidchens <guntiss@u.washington.edu>

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The Eleventh Annual Baltic Studies Summer Institute
will be hosted by the University of Washington, Seattle, June 21-Aug 20, 2004.  Financial Aid applications will be due February 1, 2004.  Visit this website for updated information. 

Contact Information:

University of Washington
Baltic Studies Summer Institute
Department of Scandinavian Studies
Box 353420
Seattle WA 98195-3420
Tel (206)543-0645; Fax (206)685-9173
E-mail uwscand@u.washington.edu

University of Washington Baltic Studies Program
University of Washington Homepage

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Website updated August 3, 2003