
Vestibular Influences on Movement
Satellite Meeting

SW1    "Head-Eye Coordination During Gaze Shifts"

David Sparks and Albert Fuchs

    G. Barnes
    S. Brettler
    K. Cullen
    E. Freedman
    A. Fuchs
    N. Gandhi
    J. Goossens
    R. McCrea
    J. Phillips
    D. Solomon
    D. Sparks
    W. Zangemeister

SW2  "Controversies at the Vestibular Periphery"

Stephen M. Highstein and Ruth Anne Eatock

    R. Boyle
    A. Brichta
    K. Cullen
    R. A. Eatock
    E. Glowatzki
    J. Goldberg
    S. Highstein
    J. C. Holt
    J. Holt
    A. Lysakowski
    S. Masetto
    R. Rabbitt
    K. Rennie
    M. Vollrath

SW3  "Otolith Influences on Orientation and Gaze"

Gary D Paige

    D.  Angelaki
    I. Curthoys
    W. M. King
    D.  Merfeld
    T. Mergner
    G.  Paige
    B. Peterson
    T. Raphan
    S. Seidman
    Y. Uchino

SW4  "Vestibular Cortex"

Chris R.S. Kaneko

    C. Duffy
    K. Fukushima
    S. Glasauer
    W. Graf
    K. Powell
    L. Snyder
    P-P. Vidal

SW5  "Vestibular Plasticity"

Stephen G Lisberger

    D. Broussard
    N. Dieringer
    M. Dutia
    S. Highstein
    F. Horak
    S. du Lac
    L. Minor
    J. Raymond
    J. Simpson
    P-P. Vidal
    S. Yakushin
    B. Yates
    D. Zee
    C. de Zeeuw
    W. Zhou

SP1  "Vestibular Periphery"


Afferent responses to mechanical stimulation and drug application in mouse in-vitro labyrinth
A. J. Camp1, H. Lee2, R. J. Callister1, A. M. Brichta1
1University of Newcastle, Callaghan, ; 2The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul


Presynaptic Ca Channels in Frog Semicircular Canal Hair Cells
P. Perin1, A. Pascale1, J. Pace1, P. Valli1
1University of Pavia, Pavia


Voltage responses of type I and type II hair cells of the chick embryo semicircular canal
S. Masetto1, M. Bosica1, P. Perin1, G. Zucca1, O. P. Ottersen2, P. Valli1
1University of Pavia, Pavia, ; 2University of Oslo, Oslo


Junctional transmission in calyx-bearing and bouton afferents in the turtle posterior crista
J. T. Xue1, J. C. Holt1, J. M. Goldberg1
1University of Chicago, Chicago, IL


Responses of Irregular Vestibular Nerve Afferents to High-Frequency Rotations
T. E. Hullar1, D. M. Lasker1, J. P. Carey1, L. B. Minor1
1Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD


Responses to low and high intensity stimuli in chinchilla semicircular canal afferents
M. Plotnik1, J. M. Goldberg1
1University of Chicago, Chicago, IL


Intra-axonal Recordings from Canal Afferents in the Mouse In-Vitro Labyrinth
A. M. Brichta1, A. J. Camp1, H. Lee2, R. J. Callister1
1University of Newcastle, Callaghan, ; 2The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul


A Cellular and Pharmacological Analysis of Efferent Responses in Turtle Posterior Crista Afferents
J. C. Holt1, J. Xue1, J. M. Goldberg1
1University of Chicago, Chicago, IL


A Report of 2 Cases of Ageotrophic Horizontal Canal Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Managed with a New Head Shaking Method and Analyses of the Results of 25 Cases
Gyu Cheol Han, Hyung Gyu Jeon
Gachon Medical College, Gil Medical Center, Dept. of Otolaryngology, Incheon Korea


Properties of Adaptation in Hair Cells of the Mouse Utricle
Melissa Vollrath, Ruth Anne Eatock
Dept Neurobiology, Harvard, Cambridge


Directional selectivity and dynamic responses of vestibular afferents following regeneration from ototoxic damage
M Zakir, JD Dickman
Dept. of Research, Central Institute for the Deaf, Washington University, 4560 Clayton Avenue, Saint Louis, MO 63110 USA.


Vestibular neuritis visualized by 3 Tesla MRI
M.Karlberg1, M.Annertz2, M.Magnusson1
1Dept of Oto-rhino-laryngology, Lund University Hospital, Lund, ; 2Dept of Diagnostic Radiology, Lund University Hospital, Lund


Visualization of GABA and glutamate in hair cells of the toadfish horizontal canal crista ampularis.
G.R. Holstein, G.P. Martinelli and S. Henderson.
Departments of Neurology and Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, N.Y., NY  10029

SP2  "Vestibular Nucleus / Plasticity"


Dynamics of primate vestibular neurons during rotation
J. D. Dickman1, A. Haque1, D. E. Angelaki2
1Central Institute for the Deaf, St Louis, MO; 2Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO


Neural coding of 3D rotational and translational motion: Convergence patterns of vestibular signals
D. E. Angelaki1, J. D. Dickman2
1Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO; 2Central Institute for the Deaf, St Louis, MO


3-Dimensional Analysis of Responses of Vestibular Neurons to Translations and Rotations.
B. W. Peterson1, C. Chen-Huang1
1Northwestern University, Chicago, IL


Characterization of vestibular nuclei afferents using transneuronal transport of pseudorabies virus.
B. J. Jian1, J. P. Card1, A. Acernese1, J. Lorenzo1
1University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA


Synaptic Inhibition Triggers Long Lasting Increases in Intrinsic Excitability of Vestibular Nucleus
A. Nelson1, C. Krispel1, C. Sekirnjak1, S. du Lac1
1Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA


Ca++-dependent K+ channels are required for rapid increases in VOR gain following vestibular damage
B. M. Faulstich1, S. H. Moghadam1, C. T. Bond2, J. P. Adelman2, S. du Lac1
1The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA; 2Vollum Institute, Portland, OR


Vestibular Compensation: A Top-down Hypothesis
P. Vidal1, M. Beraneck1, A. Uno1, N. Vibert1
1Laboratoire de Neurobiologie des RÈseaux Sensorimoteurs, PARIS


Acetyl-DL-Leucine Effects on Vestibular Neurons Explains its Efficacy During Vertigo Crises
N. Vibert1, C. de Waele1, P. Vidal1
1Laboratoire de Neurobiologie des RÈseaux Sensorimoteurs, CNRS-Paris 5, Paris

SP3  "Cerebellum"


Vestibular Climbing Fibers Modulate Simple Spikes in Cerebellar Purkinje Cells
N. H. Barmack1, V. Yakhnitsa1
1Oregon Health & Sciences University, Beaverton, OR


Optokinetic Stimulation Modifies Transcription of Two Gene Products in Floccular Purkinje Cells
Z. Qian1, N. H. Barmack1
1Oregon Health & Sciences University, Beaverton, OR


Impaired Spatial Memory of Vestibular and Optokinetic Stimulation in Rabbits Following Nodulectomy
N. H. Barmack1, V. Yakhnitsa1, A. Ferrarese2, P. Errico2, V. E. Pettorossi2, H. Fushiki3
1Oregon Health & Sciences University, Beaverton, OR; 2University of Perugia, Perugia, 3Toyama Medical & Pharmaceutical Univ., Toyama


A VVOR deficit reveals combined bilateral vestibulopathy and cerebellar dysfunction
A. A. Migliaccio1, G. M. Halmagyi2, L. A. McGarvie2, P. D. Cremer2, L. B. Minor1
1Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD; 2Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney


Muscarine-induced enhancement of spontaneous EPSCs in Purkinje cells in the rat vestibulo-cerebellum
Y. Takayasu1, M. Iino2, S. Ozawa2, N. Furuya1
1Department of Otolaryngology, Gunma University School of Medicine, Maebashi, Japan, ; 2Department of Physiology, Gunma University School of Medicine, Maebashi, Japan


Changes in head-on-trunk position influence vestibular responses of fastigial nucleus neurons
J. F. Kleine1, M. Hoshi1, Y. F. Guan1, U. Büttner1
1Ludwig-Maximilian-Universitat München, Muenchen


Gravity-Dependence of Ocular Drift in Patients With Cerebellar Downbeat Nystagmus
S. Marti1, A. Palla1, D. Straumann1
1Neurology Department, Zurich University Hospital, Zurich


Context dependent signal processing in the cerebellar flocculus and ventral paraflocculus during gaze saccades.
Timothy Belton and Robert McCrea
Department of Neurobiology, Pharmacology and Physiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois


Eye-, head- and gaze-movement during horizontal and vertical gaze pursuit in SCA6
N. Takeichi1, B. W. Peterson2, H. Sasaki3, I. Yabe3, K. Tashiro3, T. Tsubuku1, S. Fukuda1, J. Fukushima4, K. Fukushima5
1Department of Otolaryngology, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, ; 2Department of Neurology, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL; 3Department of Neurology, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, ; 4College of Medical Technology, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, ; 5Department of Physiology, Hokkaido University, Sapporo

SP4  VOR Plasticity and Behavior


Recovery of the high-acceleration vestibulo-ocular reflex after vestibular neuritis
A. Palla1, D. Straumann1
1Neurology Department, Zurich University Hospital, Zurich


Normal Performance and The Expression of Learning in the Vestibuloocular reflex at High Frequencies
R. Ramachandran1, S. G. Lisberger2
1University of California, San Francisco, CA; 2Howard Hughes Medical Institute, San Francisco, CA


Short-term adaptation of the VOR: role of non-retinal slip error signals and saccade substitution
N. de Pennington1, D. Zee1, M. Walker1, M. Shelhamer1
1Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD


Adaptation of the Response to Head Heaves, Surges and Thrusts
M. Shelhamer1, D. S. Zee1, S. Ramat1
1Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD


An Investigation of the Angular Vestibuloocular Reflex at Very High Frequencies Using a Prosthesis
M. A. Saginaw1, D. M. Merfeld2, W. Gong2
1MIT, Boston, MA; 2Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA


VOR Adaptation Reveals Signals Modulating Gain Control For Smooth Pursuit Eye Movments
M. R. Carey1, S. G. Lisberger2
1University of California, San Francisco, CA; 2Howard Hughes Medical Institute, San Francisco, CA


Anticipatory VOR suppression in humans during repeated cued head movements.
G. R. Barnes1, G. D. Paige2
1UMIST, Manchester, ; 2University of Rochester, Rochester, NY


Total Sleep Deprivation Can Increase Vestibulo-Ocular Responses
G. Quarck1, O. Etard2, P. Denise2
1 CRAPS , UFR STAPS, Universite de caen, Bd du Marechal Juin, 14032 Caen CEDEX, ; 2Explorations fonctionnelles neurologiques, CHU Cote de Nacre, 14033 Caen CEDEX


Binocular Asymmetries in the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex (VOR)
G. C. Y. Peng1, D. S. Zee2
1The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC; 2The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD


Plasticity of the Horizontal Angular Vestibulo-ocular Reflex During High-Acceleration Head Rotations
L. B. Minor1, D. M. Lasker1, R. A. Clendaniel1
1The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD


Modeling Contributions of the Linear Vestibulo-ocular Reflex During Off-Vertical Axis Rotation (OVAR).
M. Kunin1, K. Kushiro,2 S. Yakushin,1,2, M Dai, B. Cohen2, T. Raphan1,2.
1Depts. of CIS, Brooklyn College, CUNY, Bklyn, NY 11210 and 2 Neurol., Mt Sinai Sch. of Med., NY, NY 10029


Three Dimensional Orienting Eye Movements During Translation While Rotating (TWR) in the Monkey
X. Zhang, S. Yakushin, D. Ogorodnikov, B. Cohen, T. Raphan
Mt. Sinai School Medicine, NY

SP5  Locomotion and Posture


Vestibular influences on locomotion: walking versus running
K. Jahn1, M. Strupp1, E. Schneider1, T. Brandt1
1University of Munich, Munich


Kinematics of Head Posture during Galloping Locomotion in Erythrocebus patas.
J. S. Sipla1
1Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY


Podokinetic stabilisation of body orientation in space on a rotating platform in the dark
W. Becker1, S. Raab1, R. Jürgens1
1Universitat Ulm, Ulm


Fusion of Vestibular, Optokinetic and Podokinesthetic Information During Rotations Towards Instructed Targets
R. Jürgens1, W. Becker1, V. Diekmann1, G. Nasios1
1Universitat Ulm, Ulm


The importance of vestibular information for postural control depends on velocity of surface tilt
J. Kluzik1, F. Hlavacka2, F. B. Horak1
1Neurological Sciences Institute, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR; 2Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava


Habituation to Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation Depends on Sensory Reweighting
M. Cenciarini1, R. J. Peterka2, F. B. Horak2
1Dept. of Electronic, Computer Science & Systems, University of Bologna, Bologna, ; 2Neurological Sciences Institute, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR


Time Delay Compensation Mechanisms in the Human Postural Control System
K. D. Statler1, R. J. Peterka1
1Neurological Sciences Institute, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR


Rotations in a Vertebrate Setting: Group Theoretic Analysis of Vestibulocollic Projections
G. McCollum1, R. Boyle2
1Legacy Research, Portland, OR; 2Ames Research Center, NASA, Moffett Field, CA


Neck but not mastoid vibration causes short latency EMG activation of lower leg postural muscles
M. Magnusson1, G. Andersson2, A. MÂrtensson1, M. Karlberg1
1ENT dept. Lund University, Lund, ; 2Dept of Neurophysiology, Lund University, Lund


The Influence of Head Position on Postural Sway During Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation
D. M. Wrisley1, P. J. Sparto1, S. L. Whitney1, M. S. Redfern1, J. M. Furman1
1University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA


Ankle and hip joint kinematics affect neck muscle activation during whole-body rotation
D. Solomon*, A. Jenkins, V. Kumar
1University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

SP6  Perception


The role of visual and vestibular cues in determining perceptual stability during head movement.
P. Jaekl1, L. R. Harris1, M. Jenkin1
1York University, Toronto, ON


The subjective visual horizontal and vertical in 65 patients after vestibular deafferentation
A. Hafström1, P.Fransson1, M.Karlberg1, M.Magnusson1
1Dept. of ENT, Lund University Hospital, Sweden


Translation Perception and its Relationship to Reflex Eye Movements.
N. Au Yong1, S. H. Seidman1, G. D. Paige1
1University of Rochester, Rochester, NY


Influences of vestibular and non-vestibular cues in the estimation of the subjective vertical
K. Jaggi-Schwarz1, B. J. M. Hess1
1Neurology Department, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich


The effect of head position on illusory self-motion in artificial gravity.
F. Mast, N. Newby and L.R. Young
MIT, Cambridge

SP7  Eye Movement


Human Eye-Movement Responses to Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation are Linear, Symmetrical and Additive
H. G. MacDougall1, A. E. Brizuela1, I. S. Curthoys1
1University of Sydney, Sydney


Predicting Superior Colliculus Spike Trains For Strongly Perturbed Saccades.
J. Goossens1, J. Van Opstal1
1Univ. of Nijmegen, Nijmegen


Demodulation Techniques For The Analysis Of Eye Movements
B. Razavi1, S. H. Seidman2
1University of Rochester, Rochester, NY; 2University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY


Meniere's disease patients have abnormalities of vergence
J. E. Bos1, P. Eric Vente2, M. P. M. ten Tusscher3
1TNO Human Factors, Soesterberg, ; 2Praktijk Vente, Alphen a d Rijn, ; 3Laurentius Ziekenhuis, Roermond


Dynamic Bielschowsky Head-Tilt Test
K. P. Weber1, A. Palla1, K. Landau2, D. Straumann1
1Neurology Department, Zurich University Hospital, Zurich, ; 2Ophthalmology Department, Zurich University Hospital, Zurich


3D coordinates of visually guided saccades and smooth pursuit eye movements depend on gravity
B.J.M. Hess1, D.E. Angelaki2
1Neurology Department, University Hospital, Zurich, 2Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO


A neural network model of flexible spatial updating.
R.L. White, L.H. Snyder
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO

SP8  "Vestibular Models: Actual Simulations"

Kathleen Cullen


Modelling predictive processes of gaze control during head-fixed and head-free pursuit.
G. R. Barnes1
1UMIST, Manchester


A physiologically-based computational model of horizontal vestibular nystagmus using GENESIS
A. D. Cartwright1, D. P. Gilchrist1, A. M. Burgess1, I. S. Curthoys1
1University of Sydney, Sydney


A linear, steady state model of canal-otolith interaction in the VOR predicts ambulation performance
B. T. Crane1, J. L. Demer1
1UCLA, Los Angeles, CA


A Gaze Control Hypothesis: Head-Eye Interactions Account for Observed Kinematics
E. G. Freedman1
1University of Rochester, Rochester, NY


Modelling gravity-induced changes in position and orientation of Listing's plane
S. Glasauer1, E. Schneider1, U. Büttner1, T. Brandt1
1Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich


A Model of Efferent-Mediated Limit-Cycle Behavior
J. M. Goldberg1, M. Plotnik1, V. Marlinski1
1University of Chicago, Chicago, IL


A model to explore the relationship between tilt/translation discrimination and velocity storage
A. M. Green1, D. E. Angelaki1
1Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO


Modelling the orientation and gain of the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex as the output of three channels
L. R. Harris1, K. Beykirch2, M. Fetter3
1York University, Toronto, ON; 2Tubingen University, Tubingen, ; 3Klinikum Karlsbad-Langensteinbach, Karlsbad-Langensteinbach


A Dynamic Model for the Vertical VOR, OKR and Visual-vestibular Interactions in the Primate
Y. Hirata1, S. M. Highstein2
1Chubu University, Kasugai Aichi, ; 2Washington University, St. Louis, MO


Constraints imposed on a predictive model of gaze shifts by adaptive changes observed following canal plugging.
L. Ling, R. Soetedjo, S. Newlands, C. Siebold, J.O. Phillips, A.F. Fuchs.
Department of Physiology and Biophysics and Regional Primate Research Centre, University of Washington, Seattle


Modeling Tilt and Translation Responses in Humans Using Observer Theory
D. M. Merfeld1, L. H. Zupan1
1Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA


Modeling of the Horizontal Angular VOR Evoked by High-Acceleration Rotations in the Squirrel Monkey
L. B. Minor1, D. M. Lasker1
1The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD


Biophysical basis of Spike Frequency Modulation
L. E. Moore1, N. Vibert1, P. Vidal1
1CNRS ESA 7060,Université, Paris 5, Paris


Neck Reflex Stabilization in a Three-Dimensional Head Model
G. C. Y. Peng1, M. Armand2, D. S. Zee3
1The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC; 2Johns Hopkins University Applied Physic Laboratory, Laurel, MD; 3The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD


Model for Identification of the Vestibular Contribution to Human Postural Control
R. J. Peterka1
1Neurological Sciences Institute, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR


Biomechanical Models of the Semicircular Canals
R. D. Rabbitt1, S. M. Rajguru1
1University of Utah, Salt lake City, UT


During Gaze Shifts, Brainstem Saccadic Neurons are Modulated in Real-Time by Head Movement Signals.
P. A. Sylvestre1, H. L. Galiana2, K. E. Cullen1
1Dept. Physiology, McGill University, Montreal, PQ; 2Dept. Biomedical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, PQ


A Model of the Influence of Canal, Otolith and Visual Cues on Spatial Orientation and Eye Movements
L. H. Zupan1, D. M. Merfeld1, C. Darlot2
1Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA; 2Telecom Paris, Paris


Modeling the relation between head orientation, head movement and otolith responses in humans
T. Haslwanter1, R. Jaeger2
1Dept of Neurology, Zurich, ; 2Dept of Neurology, Tuebingen