B CUSP 110B – Digital Thinking

Homework 1: Lightbot 2.0



Using the Firefox Web browser, visit: http://www.silvergames.com/light-bot-2. After the opening visuals, click “Play.”

Assignment, Part A: Work through all of the Basic Exercises by clicking on the left most square under basics; see red arrow in the following figure:

Assignment, Part B: Work through the first 3 Recursion Exercises. These are a little more interesting.

Challenge, Part C [optional]: Try Recursion Exercise 4. This is challenges your brain a little, but is not that difficult. Give it a try to challenge yourself!

What to turn in: Submit a two-paragraph: summary of your progress and reflection of your experience. Each paragraph should be no more than 5-8 sentences. Reminder, the submission site can be found off the course web-page (http://courses.washington.edu/bcusp110).