XNACS1Lib: CSS490 Spring 2011

The XNACS1PrimitiveSet type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method XNACS1PrimitiveSet
Defines a collection structure for storing a group of XNACS1Primitives (Circle, Rectangle, or other PrimitiveSet).


  Name Description
Public method AddAllToAutoDraw
Add all primitives in the set to the AutoDrawSet. If the primitives in this set are already in the AutoDrawSet then nothing will happen.
Public method AddToSet
Adds the thePrimitive to this set.
Public method IsInDrawSet
Determs if thePrimitive is already in the draw set.
Public method RemoveAllFromAutoDrawSet
Remove all primitives in this set from the AutoDrawSet. After this call, none of the primitives in this set will be visible in the appliation window.
Public method RemoveAllFromSet
Remove all the prmitives from this set. Will aslo remove all the primitives from the AutoDrawSet.
Public method RemoveFromSet
Remove thePrimitive from this set. Will also remove the primitive from the AutoDrawSet.
Public method SetSize
Returns the number of primitives in this set.

See Also