B CUSP 110C – Digital Thinking

Exercise 7 + Homework 10: Loops and Conditionals




Goal: To get practice working with loops and conditions.


Recall our owl function from Exercise 6 (Exercise6.Owl.txt):

Notice once again that the owl is a 70 x 100 figure.


Part 0: setup. Modify the given Processing code such that:

1.      frameRate is at 30;

2.      size is 600x600

3.      clear background per each draw().


Now, recall we wrote an owl8() function to draw 8 owls in a row:


Part 1: Make A Flock with for loop. Re-implement the owl8() function by use a for loop. You do not need to worry about changing color or the owl’s claws, just write a for loop to draw the 8 owls in a row.




Part 2: Make a variable number of owls in a row. Make a function with following specification:

Name: drawOwlsInARow(int y, int num)


int      y, // the beginning y location of the row of owls

int  num // the number of owls to be drawn


Returned type: void


This function draws num number of consecutive owls horizontally starting from x=35, and at the specify y position. For example:


drawOwlsInARow(100, 4);  // draws 4 owls in a row beginning at y=100 with first at (35, 100)

            drawOwlsInARow(200, 5);  // draws 6 5 owls in a row beginning at y=200 with first at (35, 200)


will draw:


Part 3: Hide and seek with owls in a row: recall that mouseX and mouseY tell us the location of your mouse position. Now, use these two variables to test (hint: use if statement) the position of the mouse and draw a row of 8 owls if the mouse Y position is less than 200, or:


if (mouseY< 200)

    drawOwlsInARow(200, 8);


Now, draw a row of 6 owls at y=400 if mouseY position is greater than 400.


Part 4: drawOwlsInAColumn: Make a function with following specification:

Name: drawOwlsInAColumn(int x, int num)


int      x, // the beginning x location of the column of owls

int  num // the number of owls to be drawn


Returned type: void


This function draws num number of consecutive owls vertically starting from y=100, and at the specify y position. For example:


drawOwlsInAColumn(60, 4);    // draws 4 owls in a column beginning at x=60 with first at (60, 100)

            drawOwlsInAColumn(145, 6);  // draws 6 owls in a row beginning at x=145 with first at (145, 100)


will draw:


Part 5: Hide and seek with owls in a column: similar to Part 3, we want to draw columns of owls when:

·         Mouse X position is less than 200, draw a column of 4 owls at x=200

·         Mouse X position is more than 400, draw a column of 6 owls at x=600 x=400


Now, when you put everything together (and put a red square in the middle), this is what you have: Kelvin’s attempt.


Remember to comment your program!!


Wrap Up: You have practiced working with loops and conditional statements.


·         Exercise 7: Post the applet to your Part5 on your personal web-site and send Jack an email.

·         Homework 10: e-submit your source code to the class dropbox.



Challenge (5 pt extra credit): Warning, work on extra credit only after you are completely done with the regular assignment. The following program involves very small number of lines of code, but can be rather tricky.


·         Remember we can test for if the mouse is within an area by testing for:

o   if (mouseX >50  && mouseX<500)  ß test for if mouse’s X position is between 50 and 500

·         Remember we can find the hundredth digit of a number by integer division of the number by 100, e.g.

o   int n = mouseX / 100;  //ß n is the hundredth digit of mouseX, e.g., if mouseX is 248, n will be 2, if mouseX is 168, n is 1, etc.

·         Now modify your program such that:

o   Draw a red rectangle at (50,50) with size 500x500

o   When your mouse is inside this area, draw column/row owls with number representing the hundredth mouseX and mouseY digit.

§  the row/column must be drawn at the current mouse position

§  Examples:

·         If mouseX=100, mouseY=200, you will draw

o   a column of one owl (because mouseX’s hundredth digit is “1”)

o   a row of two owls (because mouseY’s hundredth digit is “2”)

·         if mouseX=352, mouseY=428, you will draw

o   a column of 3 owls (because mouseX’s hundredth digit is “3”)

o   a row of 4 owls (because mouseY’s hundredth digit is “4”)

·         Here is my solution.