----------------------------------------------------------------------- This read me file describes the format for the AUTO output files - fort.9 - s.xyz ----------------------------------------------------------------------- fort.8 or s.xyz first identifying line: ibr : the index of the branch ntot : the index of the point itp : the type of point lab : the label of the point nfpr : the number of free parameters used in the computation isw : the value of isw used in the computation ntpl : the number of points in the time interval [0,1] for which solution data are written nar : the number of values written per point (nar=ndim+1, since t and u(i), i=1,..,ndim are written) nrowpr: the number of lines printed following the identifying line and before the next data set or the end of the file (used for quickly skipping a data set when searching) ntst : the number of time intervals used in the discretization ncol : the number of collocation points used nparx : the dimension of the array par following this are ntpl lines containing t u_1(t) u_2(t) ... u_ndim(t) following this is a line containing the indices of the free parameters icp(i) for i=1,...,nfpr followed by a line containing the derivative of parameters wrt arclength rl_dot(i) for i=1,...,nfpr following this are ntpl lines containing the derivative of the solution wrt arclength u_dot_1(t) u_dot_2(t) ... u_dot_ndim(t) followed by the parameter values par(i) for i=1,...,nparx ----------------------------------------------------------------------- fort.9 or d.xyz Residuals of reduced system: NDIM differential equations, NBC boundary conditions, NINT integral conditions, pseudo-arclength condition -----------------------------------------------------------------------