Precision Medicine in a Diverse World: Considering the Complexities presented by Stephanie Malia Fullerton, DPhil
Precision Medicine in a Diverse World: Considering the Complexities presented by Stephanie Malia Fullerton, DPhil
Working with Professional Guardians, a panel presentation with Jamie Shirley, RN, PhD; Dan Smerken LNP; and Jacqueline Kim
Date/Time: November 8, 2023 12-1pm
Zoom: https://washington.zoom.us/j/95904993828?pwd=UldxWGhMamVmaWVhRUZWcWJybnR...
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Marianna B Ganapini is a philosophy professor at Union College (USA), specializing in AI Ethics. She collaborates with various non-profit organizations and private companies such as IBM and Themis AI.
The Department of Bioethics & Humanities invites you to the 35th Annual Summer Seminar in Health Care Ethics. We will host the conference online this year with synchronous and asynchronous material.