Chemistry Division
Special Libraries Association

Message from the Chair:

1. San Antonio Programs

Planning for the Division's programs at the 2001 Annual Conference in San Antonio is essentially complete and I think you will be pleased with the programs. As mentioned previously, I was assisted by an excellent planning committee that includes both the session moderators and reporters listed in the program. This 'unofficial' version on the Division's Web Page supplements the official SLA program by including abstracts for the Poster Session (Monday 12 Noon - 1:15 P.M.). and abstracts for the Chemical Reaction Database Session (Wednesday 1:15-4 P.M.).

I would like to also give special thanks to all who helped with this year's program and especially to Marilynn Dunker, who was especially supportive during my recent recovery and to Susanne Redalje for her excellent maintenance of the Division Web Page.

2. Division Officers & Nominees

Since there were no nominations by petition for any of the offices, the election of officers shall be held at the Division's Annual Business Meeting (Monday June 11 - 7:30 A.M.).

Special thanks go to both Barbara Best-Nichols and Tina Chrzastowski for their work on the Nominations Committee.

3. Future of Division's Newsletter

The Chemistry Division Executive Board decided to adopt the Sci-Tech News as its Official Bulletin. This relieves division members of an enormous burden (in terms of production, mailing, solicitation of advertisements, etc.) and provides the membership with a broad Sci-Tech news and information resource. A new 'Newsletter Team' (Jim Oliver, Susanne Redalje, Nancy Simons and Dana Roth) is developing a web-based publication that will expand on the official newsletter material in the Sci-Tech News (chair message, new member listing, officer reports, etc.). It will also provide additional features such as: Conference Program Reports (for those that are not able to attend); Division Member News such as retirements, job changes, etc.; Synthesized Digests of important dialogs on CHMINF-L (as well as from SLA-PAM and STS-L); Best Web Site column; Chemistry Resource Page that updates to a proposed web page on the Division's web site; Reference Corner Short Articles/Essays that members might wish to submit on chemistry related issues. We all owe an enormous debt of thanks to Mary Strife and Joan Long for their long and faithful service to the Division and to Susanne Redalje, Nancy Simons and Jim Oliver for their work on the new web newsletter.

Dana L. Roth