Chemistry Division
Special Libraries Association

Greetings from your Chair-Elect!

Coming up in January is SLA's Winter meeting and it the time to start planning for the 2002 SLA Annual Conference to be held in Los Angeles. It is the SLA Chemistry Divisions turn to host the Tri-Society meeting. This is a one day event that includes participation from members of the Chemical Information Division of ACS (CINF) and The Scientific and Technical Information Systems Special Interest group of ASIST. That means we have a lot of work to do. Nancy Simons of Georgia Tech has kindly agreed to act as the conference planner but we could use some more volunteers. Most of all at this point, we could use some "idea generators." The Tri-Society meeting needs a theme and I am often "thematically" challenged. (My colleagues at P&G have suggested "Chemistry in the Movies" since we'll be near Hollywood.) I'd like to hear any suggestions you might have about a theme or topics for sessions. Let me know what kinds of activities you'd like to have at our future conferences. And if you have suggestions for speakers, or would like to volunteer yourself, that's wonderful. Please e-mail me at It would be great to have your ideas before the Winter meeting, but we need them at any time.

And let me know also if you would like to become more involved in the planning. I find the more I participate in an organization's activities, the more I get out of it. You don't need to have years of experience in the profession (though we greatly appreciate that too.) If you are fairly new to the division, it's a great way to meet your fellow colleagues and to have a lot of fun. I look forward to attending the annual conference as much to see my chemistry division friends as I do the sessions.

Marilynn Dunker

Comments to: Susanne J. Redalje
Chemistry Division

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This page updated December 2000