Chemistry Division
Special Libraries Association

Special Libraries Association
June, 1999

Chemistry Division
Executive Board/Advisory Committee
Meeting of June 6, 1999


The meeting was called to order at 3 p.m. by chair Ellen Mimnaugh.

Present: Ellen Mimnaugh, Barbara Best-Nichols, Michael Golden, Mary Strife, Joan Long, Tina Chrzastowski, Grace Baysinger, Susanne Redalje, Bartow Culp, Chuck Huber, David Peck, Sandra Plisch, Suzanne Fedunok, Dana Roth.

1. The minutes of the June 1998 board meeting as posted on the division www page were approved by voice vote.

2. Treasurer Michael Golden reported an increase in the balance shown on his printed report, because of refunds from SLA on overpayments for conference expenses. Also, the division owes Gary Wiggins $458 for email list expenditures. The report was approved by voice vote.

3. Committee reports

a. ACS Liaison Chuck Huber reported

b. Archivist. Ellen Mimnaugh reported for Dan Chandler who was absent from the conference.

c. ASIS Liaison Ann Rogers was absent and there was no report. Bartow Culp offered to share his notes from the pre-Pittsburgh program on the history of information/chemistry and ASIS.

d. Fundraising. In the absence of Ron Pinkston, Tina Chrzastowski reported that money obtained from six sponsors (RSC, CAS, CA, CRS, Ebsco, and Micropatents) came close to meeting expenses for the Minneapolis meeting. Any uncommitted funds may go into the general fund.

e. In the absence of Jennifer Wong, Ellen Mimnaugh reported 69 new members joined from March 1998 through April 1999.

f. Sandra Plisch reported for the Nominating Committee in the absence of Ron Pinkston. The slate is Dana Roth: Chair-Elect/Chair and Suzanne Fedunok: Secretary.

g. Newsletter editor Mary Strife reported:

The board DISCUSSED switching from bulk mail to first class to get the newsletter to members faster.

h. Newsletter Business Manager Joan Long reported the average cost of an issue is $1257 and advertising revenue from 9 clients covers all but $417 of that. There is thus a projected shortfall. The board DISCUSSED ways to increase advertising revenue, cut production costs or absorb the deficit. This topic will be on the agenda of the next board.

i. Programming chair Tina Chrzastowski reported on the Minneapolis meeting:

j. Professional Development. Bartow Culp reported there will be CE courses at the Philadelphia meeting.

k. Strategic Plan. Tina Chrzastowski handed out draft copies to the board and they will be distributed to members at the division annual business meeting. ACTION: She reminded the board to call for a motion to accept the plan at that meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Suzanne Fedunok

Acting for Secretary James Oliver

November 14, 1999

Special Libraries Association

Chemistry Division
Executive Board/Advisory Committee
Meeting of June 9, 1999


The meeting was called to order by chair Barbara Best-Nichols at 7:35 a.m.

Present: Barbara Best-Nichols, Ellen Mimnaugh, Ann Eastham, Michael Golden, Mary Strife, Joan Long, Tina Chrzastowski, Susanne Redalje, Bartow Culp, Chuck Huber, David Peck, Jennifer Kostelnik, Suzanne Fedunok, Dana Roth, Sandra Plisch, Peter Hoey, Grace Baysinger, Julianne Beall, Jeanine Williamson.

1. The minutes were read by the secretary and approved as corrected.

2. The Treasurer's report remained as distributed at the annual meeting.

3. Committee Reports

WWW Page Manager Susanne Redalje reported

4. Old Business

a. By-laws. Sandra Plisch distributed a draft of the by-laws revision.
ACTION: Submit the the draft to the board first, then distribute to the membership six months prior to the next annual meeting. Using an electronic chat room to discuss the document was endorsed. IF THE BALLOTS ARE AGREED UPON BY THE BOARD AND MAILED TO THE GENERAL MEMBERSHIP, EMAIL VOTES ARE VALID. CORRECTIONS MUST BE MADE WITH BOTH OLD AND NEW TEXT INDICATED.

b. Newsletter and Editorial Review Committee

The board DISCUSSED what to do about a projected shortfall in revenue to cover the cost of publication. Barbara Best-Nichols distributed a draft PROPOSAL to form an EDITORIAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, one responsibility of which would be to develop and maintain new sources of revenue. The board DISCUSSED the proposal, particularly with regard to the membership of the new body. ACTION: The board voted in favor of the idea in principle and decided to refer the draft charge to the By-laws Committee for inclusion in that document. The board decided THIS WAS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE OVERALL CHAT ROOM DISCUSSIONS OF THE BOARD.

c. Global 2000 Brighton Conference

Tina Chrzastowski reported

The board DISCUSSED the need for a budget allocation to support these activities. It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Chemistry Division support the initiative to offer a fellowship of up to $1000 to be administered by the Washington DC chapter, preferably for someone from a developing country with a chemistry or sci-tech background, that Tina Chrzastowski be charged to investigate the fellowship and report to the board, that the recipient be required to have some formal contact with the division, and that the division chair commit the funds at the apropriate time. APPROVED by voice vote.

5. New Business

The following agenda items remained to be discussed

a. Funds transfer
b. Mentoring program
        New to profession
        New in chemistry positions
c. Membership commitee -- Directory update
d. Student scholarship
e. Newsletter name

but due to the late hour, the board DECIDED to continue discussion of the remaining items by CHAT ROOM OR CONFERENCE CALLS.

The meeting adjourned at 9 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Suzanne Fedunok


November 14, 1999

Special Libraries Association
Chemistry Division
Annual Business Meeting
June 7, 1999

1. A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order at 7:50 a.m. by Chair Ellen N. Mimnaugh.

2. Approval of MINUTES of the last annual meeting was dispensed with.

3. The TREASURER'S REPORT from Michael Golden was approved by voice vote.

4. Committee Reports

IV. Old Business

V. New Business

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Suzanne Fedunok

Acting for Secretary James Oliver

November 6, 1999

Comments to: Susanne J. Redalje
Chemistry Division

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This page updated November, 1999