Chemistry Division
Special Libraries Association

Draft Minutes from Philadelphia
SLA Chemistry Division

SLA Chemistry Division
Executive Board/Advisory Committee
Meeting of Sunday June 11, 2000 at Philadelphia, PA

I. A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order by the chair, Barbara Best-Nichols at 3:30 p.m.

II. MINUTES of the preceding meeting, as posted on the WWW, were approved.

III. TREASURER In the absence of Michael Golden, Barbara delivered the report and distributed a handout. As of April 30, 2000 the division balance was $33,929.46. Tina Chrzastowski noted that the full income from the Minneapolis meeting was not reported because reporting of income from meetings crosses the fiscal year/meeting year boundary. She indicated that the income from the CE conference will offset expenses of the conference this time.


CONFERENCE PLANNING - Tina Chrzastowski reported the division will have a surplus over expenses for the Philadelphia program because of the high enrollment for the CE course. When they visit the exhibit hall, Board members were asked to thank our sponsors. Signs were made for display in the sponsor booths.


- Chuck Huber reported that information on programming for the fall Washington DC meeting is on the CINF WWW site. In 2001the
National Chemistry Information Symposium (NCIS) will be resuscitated at Colby ME from June 24-28. See the CINF WWW page for details. The Board was reminded the 2002 Tri-Societies meeting in Los Angeles will be hosted by the division.

ARCHIVES - Dana Roth has the files and they will be transferred to Minnesota in one year, following renovation of the library there.

ASIS LIAISON- the position is vacant, due to the resignation of Ann Rogers. There was no report.

MEMBERSHIP - 429 members are listed on the SLA WWW site; however there are problems communicating about dropped members. 112 members registered in advance for the Philadelphia conference.

NEWSLETTER - In the absence of Joan Long, Dana reported problems with late mailings and deadlines for copy. Revenue from advertising declined. Written reports were distributed from Joan and from Mary Strife, who announced her resignation as of July 2001. Joan will continue as Business Manager. ACTION: The new chair will draft a letter to Interlingua Inc. to request payment.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Dana reported "Chemistry for the Non-Chemist" was a big success and he thanked the instructors.

STRATEGIC PLANNING - Tina C. reported the need for a successor to this appointment to keep momentum going.

WEBMANAGER - Susanne Redalje reported. There is a need for content for the site. SLA gives the division data, which she circulated to the board, on the use of the page ("hits") as of April 2000. The Strategic Plan page was hit often. Board members proposed to include procedures documents, documents like the Treasurer's report, publicity to recruit CE instructors, old minutes by year. Susann reported downtime on the SLA server and problems with posting updates. It was suggested to compare the number of hits with pages from other divisions. The Board discussed adding a search capability. ACTION: Update list of officers and liaisons.


By-laws - Sandra Plisch distributed the draft, which updates the 1980 document. The style of the draft is patterned after the Engineering Division by-laws. Important changes include the conference planner job. The board reviewed the draft and suggested a change to gender-neutral language. The board decided that creation of a Newsletter Advisory Committee, an action approved by the Board at the previous annual meeting, need not be included in the by-laws. ACTION: Any further changes must reach Sandy prior to the draft being posted on the division WWW page. The draft must appear in the division newsletter prior to approval: the timeline for approval will carry forward to the 2001 annual meeting. The Board discussed email voting.

Global 2000 Brighton Conference - The Board allocated $1500 to fund Tina Chr 's expenses to attend the conference.

Micropatent got a refund check with an apology from the chair over an issue of sponsorship of a event at the last conference.


Nominations - The chair received a report nominating

MOVED and seconded to accept the slate. MOTION CARRIED.

There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 4 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Suzanne Fedunok, Secretary

November 28, 2000

Special Libraries Association 91st Annual Meeting
Chemistry Division Board Meeting
June 13, 2000 Philadelphia PA


Present: Susanne Redalje (Web), Linda Shackle (Guest), Kevin Lindstrom (Guest), Sarah Marburger (Guest), Barbara Best-Nichols (Past Chair), Ted Baldwin (Guest), Mary Strife (Newsletter), Marilyn Dunker (Chair-Elect), Tina Chrzastowski (Meeting Planner), Jennifer Kostelnik (Membershsip), Bartow Culp (Professional Development), Svetlana Korolev (Mentoring), Chuck Huber (ACS Liaison), Nancy Simons (Guest), Suzanne Fedunok (Secretary), Dana Roth (Chair)

A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m. by chair, Dana Roth.

Dana gave a special thanks to outgoing Board members Mary Strife, Tina Ohr, and Barbara Best-Nichols.


Loren Mendelson and Ann Easton volunteered to serve as co-liaisons to ASIS. Other liaison appointees will continue. The chair agreed to serve in the new capacity of liaison to the SLA Sci-Tech Division.


A motion was made by Suzanne Fedunok and seconded by Susanne Redalje that the division Chair and Chair-Elect and the Program Planner each receive $750 from division funds to help defray travel expenses to attend SLA Winter meetings. MOTION CARRRIED by voice vote. The chair will discuss with Sandy Plisch, chair of the By-laws Committee, the need to add this provision to the division by-laws, without specific dollar amounts, and he will report at the next annual meeting.


Susanne Redalje volunteered to work on implementation of the divison strategic plan. The Board approved her suggestion that small groups or task forces be appointed to work on the specific points of the plan.


The chair expressed support for the creation of an editorial committee, as discussed by the Board at the last annual meeting.


Barbara Best-Nichols and Svetlana Korolev volunteered to create a mentoring program, following the document they submitted to the board at the June 12 meeting. Ms. Best-Nichols suggested a WWW page showing the competencies of division members to get the program started. Some division members volunteered at the business meeting to match newcomers with experienced chemistry librarians and Barbara and Svetlana will follow up with them.


Bartow Culp pointed to the connection between mentoring activities and division professional development programs such as "Chemistry for the Non-Chemist." He proposed "bifurcating" the course because of the great interest at SLA annual meetings on the part of local SLA members. The morning session would be for non-chemists and the afternoon session would be called "Advanced" or "Part II. He offered to provide copies of the syllabus to interested board members for suggestions about revisions.

Chuck Huber suggested the course be split into two parts for the next (San Antonio) annual meeting and that course content be mounted on the division WWW site. Because the course makes money for the division, access to the course content may need to be passworded for attendees and access to the course outline only be made generally available.

The Board agreed at the 1996 Indianapolis annual meeting to give a $200 honorarium to CE course instructors and to reimburse the cost of copying by submission of the Reimbursement Form on the division WWW site.

Names of possible new instructors were discussed.


The chair and the secretary will work on a session similar to the P-A-M Division meetings, or alternatively co-sponsor the program.


The board was asked to suggest nominees for division awards: a student award lacked nominees. It was moved and seconded that the division offer a $1000 award to support a first-meeting attendee at the next SLA Annual Conference in San Antonio. The recipient will be selected on the basis of an essay submitted to the division to be published in the newsletter. MOTION CARRIED by voice vote. Svetlana Korolev will work with Barbara Best-Nichols on implementation details.


The chair reported that $16,000 in SLA Project Funds are available to chapters, divisions, and committees to support the research mission of the organization. Proposals are due to SLA by July 2000.

The chair will try to locate the OFFICER MANUAL to make copies for board members.


Sandy Plisch will send the draft to board members again prior to submission to division members.


Board members suggested enhancements such as digital pictures. The chair and chair-elect will pursue this for the next meeting.


The board needs to make a decision about whether to reallocate funds from the money market to another kind of account.

There being no further business before the board a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Suzanne Fedunok, Secretary

November 22, 2000

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Comments to: Susanne J. Redalje
Chemistry Division

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This page updated May 2001