Chemistry Division
Special Libraries Association

2002 Marion E. Sparks Award for Professional Development

The Chemistry Division of the Special Libraries Association is sponsoring a student/new member scholarship essay competition in 2002. The award is named to honor Marion E. Sparks, a chemistry librarian at the University of Illinois from 1913 until her death in 1929. Ms. Sparks contributed a great deal to the field of chemical information, her achievements include teaching courses on chemical information, and authoring and publishing what is argued to be the first book to formally address chemical literature and library instruction.

This competition is intended to encourage student members or new members of the Chemistry Division to attend the annual meeting and participate in the activities of the Chemistry Division of the Special Libraries Association.

AWARD: The winner will receive $1,000 to attend the SLA 2002 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, June 8 - 13. The winner will also receive a certificate of achievement and will be introduced at the Chemistry Division Business Meeting & Breakfast. This award is intended to reimburse the winner's expenses for attending the convention, including: registration, airfare, lodging, food, and /or the continuing education course (registration in the course "Chemistry resources for non-chemists" if offered in 2002 or any other continuing education course is recommended but not required).

ELIGIBILITY: All student members of the Chemistry Division and all individuals who became members of the Chemistry Division since January of 2001 are eligible to enter the contest.

TO ENTER: Compose an essay to address the candidate's objectives for professional development and the outcomes if a person be granted the award. Essay should not exceed 400 words or two typed doubled-spaced pages. Please include a resume and the names of two references.

Entries may be submitted by regular mail or email to:

Svetlana Korolev
Science Librarian
The Golda Meir Library
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI 53211

Deadline for submission: March 1, 2002

Essays will be judged by a panel of SLA Chemistry Division members. The winner will be notified by April 10, 2002

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Comments to: Susanne J. Redalje
Chemistry Division

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This page updated January 2002