Strategic Plan for the Chemistry Division

Special Libraries Association

Mission Statement

The SLA Chemistry Division actively participates in the creation, delivery, and promotion of information to serve the research and scholarly communication process of a diverse clientele using or seeking chemical information.  We support the mission of our parent organization, SLA, "to advance the leadership role of its members in putting knowledge to work for the benefit of the general public and decision-makers in industry, government, the profession; and to shape the destiny of our information society."

Vision Statement

The Chemistry Division of the Special Libraries Association works to support the efforts of special, academic, government, research, and public librarians to develop and deliver superior chemical information resources to their communities.  The Division membership encompasses all chemistry-related fields, including, but not limited to, chemical technology, history of chemistry, chemical economics, and chemical engineering.  We are committed to identifying and collaborating with strategic partners in chemical information delivery; attracting and retaining innovative and talented people to our Division; providing educational opportunities to our members through Annual Meeting symposia and continuing education courses, informing and advising our  members through programs, newsletters, listserv, and individual mentoring, and to creating a technologically-advanced future for access to chemical information. Our Strategic Plan outlines our goals for the next five years, 1999 to 2003.


1. Keep the membership informed and in touch with one another.

    Strategic Directions

    1.0    Use the listserv CHMINF-L as the primary electronic
             communication vehicle.  Support CHMINF-L financially.

    1.1   Update the membership directory.  Include email addresses.
            a.  Appoint a committee to complete the directory.
            b.  Complete directory by 1999.
    1.2  Supplement the editorial content of the Newsletter.
            a.  Optimize the membership’s talent by instituting a "guest editor
                   position for special newsletter issues (for example, an issue on electronic
    1.3.  Include substantive articles in the Newsletter.
             a.  Publish "thematic" issues of the newsletter.
    1.4  Electronic distribution of the Newsletter
            a.  Offer to membership by 1999.
            b.  Continue print format for those who prefer.

    1.5  Promote inter-organizational communication through regular communication
            from representatives from ACS and ASIS.

2.  Increase member involvement and service to the membership.

     Strategic Directions

      2.0  Recruitment
           a.  Recruit and sponsor student members.
                   1.  Initiate visits to library schools by division members.
            b.  Link with related SLA divisions to expand membership.
                   1.  Include international members in expansion.
            c.  Emphasize the benefits of SLA Chemistry Division membership
                  1.  Smaller than ALA, easier to get involved
                   2.  Fewer people means its easier to meet and know colleagues.
                  3.  Can attend different sessions easily at the SLA Annual Meeting.
            d.  Announce benefits of membership in the SLA Chemistry Division to people
                 joining CHMINF-L.
            e.  Identify people who are newly-hired into chemistry information positions
                 to recruit to the SLA Chemistry Division.
            f.   Explore the possibility of a student scholarship or other support.
      2.1  Member Services/Networking
          a.  Help Annual Meeting attendees get to know each other.
                 1.  Business card swap
         ;        2.  Networking focus combined with member introductions.
          b.  Sponsor regional, between-Annual meetings
                1.  Hold in conjunction with other regional meetings such as ACRL or local
                     SLA meetings.
                 2.  Hold seminars in regions with local SLA meetings
                     a.  suggestions include tips for searching web sites, competitor
                          intelligence, and end-user training
                      b.  Offer at locations throughout the country

3.  Actively involve Chemistry Division officers and membership in decisions affecting
     the future of scholarly publishing, helping members voice their needs to the   

    Strategic Directions

     3.0  Establish a vendor relations panel made up of both corporate and
             academic chemistry librarians
             a.  Limit one panel per annual meeting
             b.  Separate corporate and academic panels
     3.1  Offer focus groups of chemistry librarians to vendors
     3.2  Hold sessions at the Annual Meeting to discuss pricing, consortial agreements,
            and vendor relations

4.  Define Chemical Librarianship for the Future
     Strategic Directions

    4.0  Employ SLA’ Competencies for Special Librarians of the 21st Century as a
           guide for reviewing chemical special librarian competencies.

    4.1  Offer continuing education courses to promote the skills identified as critical to
           chemical special librarianship.
           a.  Offer CE courses at the 1999 and 2000 meetings.

5.  Professional Development

     Strategic Directions

     5.0  Initiate poster sessions at Annual Meeting Breakfast.

Comments to: Susanne J. Redalje
                  Chemistry Division

Copyright©1998 SLA
All Rights Reserved This page updated 7/23/1998