Chemistry Division
Special Libraries Association

Reports from the Chemistry Vendor Roundtable, 6/11/01 reported by Vicky Gray

RCS: Robert Parker

RCS is working on the retrospective digitization of their journals. Back to 1990 is the first goal and they will continue to work backwards to 1841 as their future goal. The journals will be in PDF with searchable headers. The backfile will be free to all (subscribers and non-subscribers). Projected date for availability is January 2002. Backfile will be defined as 1999 and earlier.

Analytical Abstracts and Methods in Organic Synthesis are being converted to electronic format.

New publications:

New pricing for packages A and B are now available.

CAS: Jan Williams

A CAS lexicon is now available on STN.

Searchable abstracts and bibliographic data are now available for backfile years 1947-1967. They are available in SciFinder, CA, and CAPlus. CAS is continuing to work on years back to 1907. They are also working on converting the indexing of the backfile.

SciFinder 2000: now has Panorama feature, explore by Company name, reaction enhancements, citation linking.

SciFinder Scholar: now has Medline access, reaction enhancements, TOC feature, citation linking.

STN Express 6.0: Windows available now. Mac available soon. Features include custom reports and tabular display which is especially useful for patent information.

STN Easy: has a new look on the web. Contains Escience which allows users to search the web from the results page using the Google or ChemIndustry search engines.

ChemPort: contains 137 publishers, 2700 journal titles

From Q&A:

ACS: Doug Storm

Referred to a Chemistry Journal Cost study done by the University of Wisconsin libraries that shows many ACS journals coming in as lowest in cost per use. Study is available at the following address:

Some features available in ACS elelctronic journals: electronic submissions, cross-journal searching, usage reports, free TOC alerts

ACS is working on an electronic backfile of their journals and is planning to make a first release at the Fall ACS meeting. No pricing structure available yet.

A cancellation access policy has been developed that will allow subscribers who cancel an electronic subscription to have access to the years they purchased via a CD or PDF download.

New journals:

Springer: Syed Hasan

Now available online: 481 journals are now available on their online service, LINK. There is a growing number of online book series. About 10 are available in chemical sciences. A TOC alerting service is also available.

A full mirror site in NY is in place to ease internet traffic.

Landolt-Bornstein will now open the complete collection on their LINK service. All 270 subvolumes will be available online. Check out their website for more information.

Beginning in 2001 journal subscriptions are available on an electronic-only basis. Other content may be available next year.

CIS (Chemical Information System): Bill Earl

They produce 22 databases about chemicals in the environment. Single search interface, mapped to spelling variations. They are in the process of attaching full text to the databases via the internet. First database they are working on is TSCA which is a database of health and safety submissions to the EPA.

ISI: Jeff Dockerty

New product is Web of Knowledge which includes: Web of Science (8,500 journals), citation references, Current Contents, Proceedings, CAB Abstracts, Inspec, BIOSIS, Derwent Innovations index, and evaluated web sources.

The power of the product is in the integration of resources: compounds, journal citation reports, full text linked to publisher sites, Current Contents connect. Web of Science will be linked to Derwent Innovations index for citation links.

Chemistry Server:

Compound searching features include: graphical representations, compound details, structure searching, bibliographic searching. Core coverage: chemical journals; selection focuses on new and novel materials; 660,000 chemical reactions; 985,000 core organic compounds; chemical patent data available from INPI with dates covering 1840-1986.

Elsevier Science: Edward Hueckel

New free portal service available at A web search engine that focuses on scientific and technical web sites.

Next Generation Science Direct: Offering more integrated services across Elsevier content and collaboration with other publishers such as American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Pergamon, Royal Society of Medicine. Explanation of services are covered on Below are a few notes. For more information please check their website.

Science Direct web edition offers 12 month rolling access when subscribing to print editions. Simple searching well be added.

Digital collections offer archival access to 5 years of full text (4 years plus current). Options: Limited (individual titles), Complete (all titles that you subscribe to in print), or Freedom (choose from several different subject collections).

Backfiles are available to 1995/1996. They are working on going back to volume 1, issue 1 for all titles.

ScienceDirect Navigator offers a comprehensive abstract database covering more than 10,000 journals in all major scientific disciplines as the perfect starting point for information discovery. Different options include Core, Complete, and Freedom. Databases include those produced by Elsevier and from other participating publishers, eg., INSPEC, BIOSIS.

ChemWeb (owned by Elsevier): Jan Kuras

From their website:

" is an online club for the chemical community. Members may take advantage of a library of full-text journals and a collection of searchable chemical databases.'s facilities also include an extensive conference diary, a job exchange containing hundreds of job offers and jobs wanted and a shopping mall selling books, software and laboratory equipment. Membership of the club is free allowing members to search the whole of However, payment or subscription may be required to view full-text articles from some publishers."

Some Highlights:

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Comments to:
Susanne J. Redalje
Chemistry Division

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This page updated August 2001