3D Acoustics with variable coefficients


The medium is piecewise constant with a single interface at z=0.
Initial data is zero.
Boundary data is a velocity impulse at the top (z=1) boundary near x=y=t=0.

Directory listing

Download directory in compressed tar file format (Note: Please unpack the tar file in your CLAW home directory.)

Sample results:

Pressure computed on a 60 x 60 x 60 grid
The interface is indicated by the dashed line.
The sound speed and impedance are
c = Z = 1 for z>0,
c = Z = 2 for Z<0.

The 3d plots on the left were obtained with
xSliceCoords = 0;
ySliceCoords = 0;
zSliceCoords = [ ];

The 2d plots on the right were obtained with view(ySlice)