3D Euler equations -- radially symmetric solution


A radially symmetric Gaussian profile about r=0 spreads out radially.

Sample results:

The computation was done on a 60x60x60 grid using the unsplit method , the Roe solver and the MC limiter.

For comparison, the 1d equations with radial source terms are solved in subdirectory 1drad on a fine grid.

Left column: Scatter plot of all grid values $q(x,y,z)$ plotted against r = radial distance of grid cell from origin. The red line is the 1d solution.
Right column: Comparison of q(x,y=0,z=0) (blue line) and 1d solution (red line)

Several frames are shown around time t=1.3 when the ingoing shock bounces at the origin. This is not well resolved in this 3d computation.

See also: A comparison of results using split and unsplit methods

The results above were obtained using CFL = 0.9.

Below are some comparisons with CFL = 0.7. The left column is CFL = 0.9, the right column is CFL = 0.7.