The principal authors of CLAWPACK are:

Most of the one-dimensional and two-dimensional CLAWPACK routines were written by

     Randall J. LeVeque
     University of Washington
     Department of Applied Mathematics
     Box 352420
     Seattle, WA 98195-2420
who maintains this site and CLAWPACK.

The three-dimensional routines were written primarily by

     Jan Olav Langseth
     Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
     PO Box 25
     N-2007 Kjeller

The adaptive mesh refinement portion of CLAWPACK was originally written by

     Marsha Berger
     Courant Institute, NYU
     251 Mercer St.
     New York, NY 10012

and adapted to AMRCLAW by Berger and LeVeque in two dimensions, and in three dimensions with help from

     David McQueen,      Courant Institute, NYU


     Donna Calhoun, University of Washington
     (Now at Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Paris)

The MPI and HDF routines were written by

     Peter Blossey, University of Washigton

based on earlier contributions by

     Sorin Mitran, University of Washington
     (Now at Univeristy of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)

The matlab plotting routines were originally written by LeVeque in 1d and 2d and revised and extended to 3d by Calhoun.

Various extensions of CLAWPACK have been developed by others.

Development of this software has been supported in part by:

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of these agencies.