Changes to claw/book 4/06 Updated to work with latest m-files in Version 4.2 or 4.3 of CLAWPACK. 1/12/04 Warnings added to README files that the local m-files are not compatible with the new matlab routines in Version 4.2 of CLAWPACK. Instead the old files in claw/matlab41 should be used in conjunction with the new version. claw/book/chap7/advinflow method(5) = 0 (was set to 1 but default src1.f routine was used so no source term was implemented) two lines eliminated that were not used. README file added. claw/book/chap22/inclusion afterframe.m: z = double(z) added to convert logical array to double, claw/book/chap22/plate setplot2.m added