valout_nc.f.html CLAWPACK  
 Source file:   valout_nc.f
 Directory:   /Users/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.6.3/amrclaw/2d/lib
 Converted:   Mon Jan 21 2013 at 20:15:14   using clawcode2html
 This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file.

c -----------------------------------------------------
c This is the updated valout subroutine for amrclaw.  It creates a netcdf file for each time step.
c -----------------------------------------------------

c -----------------------------------------------------
c     Routine to write netcdf files in the classic format
!        #jj-2011.03.29
!        # Each file written by the fortran code has 
!        # Dimensions:
!        #           timedimension : UNLIMITED
!        #           meqn          : The number of equations
!        #           dimx_ : X dimension for grid number 
!        #           dimy_ : Y dimension for grid number 
!        # Variables:
!        #           timedimension : Stores the time of the frame
!        #           ngrids        : Number of grids in this frame
!        #           naux          : Number of Auxilary Variables
!        #           ndim          : Number of Dimensions in the frame
!        #           grid_ : A grid of (dimx,dimy,meqn)
!        # Attributes:
!        # (grid_) gridno      : The number of this grid 
!        #           level         : The AMR level
!        #           dim_names     : a list of dimensions [dimx,dimy]
!        #           dim.low  : The lowest dimension value 
!        #           dim.d    : The distance between grid points 
c -----------------------------------------------------
      subroutine valout (lst, lend, time, nvar, naux)
      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
      character*10  matname1, matname2, matname3

c     # Output the results for a general system of conservation laws
c     # in 2 dimensions
c     # Write the results to the file fort.q