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Source file: claw1ez.f | |
Directory: /Users/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.6.3/clawpack/1d/lib | |
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c c c c =============================================================== subroutine claw1ez(maxmx,meqn,mwaves,mbc,maux,mwork,mthlim, & q,work,aux) c =============================================================== c c An easy-to-use clawpack driver routine for simple applications c Documentation is available at c c c Author: Randall J. LeVeque c Version of August, 2002 -- CLAWPACK Version 4.1 c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) external bc1,rp1,src1,b4step1 dimension q(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, meqn) dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, maux) dimension work(mwork) dimension mthlim(mwaves) c dimension method(7),dtv(5),cflv(4),nv(2),mthbc(2) dimension tout(100) logical outt0 character*12 fname c open(10,file='',status='unknown',form='formatted') c c # Read the input in standard form from c # For a description of input parameters see the documentation at c c ## New in 4.4: Input file name changed from c ## Open file and skip over leading lines with # comments: fname = '' call opendatafile(55,fname) c c Number of space dimensions: ## New in 4.4 read(55,*) ndim c c ## The remainder is unchanged from 4.3: c Number of grid cells: read(55,*) mx c i/o variables read(55,*) nout read(55,*) outstyle if (outstyle.eq.1) then read(55,*) tfinal nstepout = 1 elseif (outstyle.eq.2) then read(55,*) (tout(i), i=1,nout) nstepout = 1 elseif (outstyle.eq.3) then read(55,*) nstepout, nstop nout = nstop endif c timestepping variables read(55,*) dtv(1) read(55,*) dtv(2) read(55,*) cflv(1) read(55,*) cflv(2) read(55,*) nv(1) c c # input parameters for clawpack routines read(55,*) method(1) read(55,*) method(2) read(55,*) method(3) read(55,*) method(4) read(55,*) method(5) read(55,*) method(6) read(55,*) method(7) read(55,*) meqn1 read(55,*) mwaves1 read(55,*) (mthlim(mw), mw=1,mwaves1) c # physical domain: read(55,*) t0 read(55,*) xlower read(55,*) xupper c c # boundary conditions: read(55,*) mbc1 read(55,*) mthbc(1) read(55,*) mthbc(2) if (method(7) .ne. maux) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** maux set wrong in input or driver' stop endif if (meqn1 .ne. meqn) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** meqn set wrong in input or driver' stop endif if (mwaves1 .ne. mwaves) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mwaves set wrong in input or driver' stop endif if (mbc1 .ne. mbc) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** mbc set wrong in input or driver' stop endif c if ((mthbc(1).eq.2 .and. mthbc(2).ne.2) .or. & (mthbc(2).eq.2 .and. mthbc(1).ne.2)) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** periodic boundary conditions' write(6,*) ' require mthbc(1) and mthbc(2) BOTH be set to 2' stop endif c c # check that enough storage has been allocated: c mwork1 = (maxmx + 2*mbc) * (2 + 4*meqn + mwaves + meqn*mwaves) c if ( .or. then c # insufficient storage maxmx1 = max0(mx,maxmx) mwork1 = (maxmx1 + 2*mbc) * (2 + 4*meqn + mwaves + meqn*mwaves) write(6,*) ' ' write(6,*) '*** ERROR *** Insufficient storage allocated' write(6,*) 'Recompile after increasing values in driver.f:' write(6,611) maxmx1 write(6,613) mwork1 611 format(/,'parameter (maxmx = ',i5,')') 613 format('parameter (mwork = ',i7,')',/) stop endif c c write(6,*) 'running...' write(6,*) ' ' c c # grid spacing dx = (xupper - xlower) / float(mx) c c # time increments between outputing solution: if (outstyle .eq. 1) then dtout = (tfinal - t0)/float(nout) endif c c c # call user's routine setprob to set any specific parameters c # or other initialization required. c call setprob c c # set aux array: c if (maux .gt. 0) then call setaux(maxmx,mbc,mx,xlower,dx,maux,aux) endif c c # set initial conditions: c call qinit(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,xlower,dx,q,maux,aux) c outt0 = .true. if (outt0) then c # output initial data call out1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,xlower,dx,q,t0,0,aux,maux) write(6,601) 0, t0 endif c c ---------- c Main loop: c ---------- c tend = t0 do 100 n=1,nout tstart = tend if (outstyle .eq. 1) tend = tstart + dtout if (outstyle .eq. 2) tend = tout(n) if (outstyle .eq. 3) tend = tstart - 1.d0 !# single-step mode c call claw1(maxmx,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx, & q,aux,xlower,dx,tstart,tend,dtv,cflv,nv,method,mthlim, & mthbc,work,mwork,info,bc1,rp1,src1,b4step1) c c # check to see if an error occured: if (info .ne. 0) then write(6,*) '*** ERROR in claw1 *** info =',info if (info.eq.1) then write(6,*) '*** either mx > maxmx or mbc < 2' endif if (info.eq.2) then write(6,*) '*** dt does not divide (tend - tstart)' write(6,*) '*** and dt is fixed since method(1)=0' endif if (info.eq.3) then write(6,*) '*** method(1)=1 and cflv(2) > cflv(1)' endif if (info.eq.4) then write(6,*) '*** mwork is too small' endif if (info.eq.11) then write(6,*) '*** Too many times steps, n > nv(1)' endif if (info.eq.12) then write(6,*) & '*** The Courant number is greater than cflv(1)' write(6,*) '*** and dt is fixed since method(1)=0' endif go to 999 endif c dtv(1) = dtv(5) !# use final dt as starting value on next call c c # output solution at this time c ------------------------------ c c # if outstyle=1 or 2, then nstepout=1 and we output every time c # we reach this point, since claw1 was called for the entire time c # increment between outputs. c c # if outstyle=3 then we only output if we have taken nstepout c # time steps since the last output. c # iframe is the frame number used to form file names in out1 iframe = n/nstepout if (iframe*nstepout .eq. n) then call out1(maxmx,meqn,mbc,mx,xlower,dx,q,tend,iframe, & aux,maux) write(6,601) iframe,tend write(10,1010) tend,info,dtv(3),dtv(4),dtv(5), & cflv(3),cflv(4),nv(2) endif c c # formats for writing out information about this call to claw: c 601 format('CLAW1EZ: Frame ',i4, & ' output files done at time t =', & d12.4,/) c 1010 format('tend =',d15.4,/, & 'info =',i5,/,'smallest dt =',d15.4,/,'largest dt =', & d15.4,/,'last dt =',d15.4,/,'largest cfl =', & d15.4,/,'last cfl =',d15.4,/,'steps taken =',i4,/) c 100 continue c 999 continue c return end