NTHMP Mapping and Modeling Benchmarking Workshop: Tsunami Currents

For a description of the workshop and all data provided, see the workshop webpage.

For GeoClaw code, see the GitHub repository

Results for other problems

GeoClaw results for Benchmark problem 4

Results presented at workshop:


Work done after the workshop:

Since the workshop we have worked with Mike Motley and his student Xinsheng Qin in the UW Department of Civil and Environmental Energy, to compare our 2D GeoClaw simulations with 3D simulations they have performed using the OpenFOAM software. Results of their work and comparisons of 2D and 3D results are presented in the papers:

Both of these papers have been submitted for publication and are currently under review.

Two sample animations of a 3D simulation.

Of potential interest to other groups comparing against the experimental data provided for this problem: In the experiment, the peak velocity of the bore front was estimated by analyzing the video data instead of measured by velocimeter, due to air entrained in the bore front. The speed of the bore front is not the same as the peak fluid velocity, which occurs behind the front, and sampling the velocity from the numerical results gives higher peak velocities than the published experimental results. However, Qin, Motley, and Marafi determined that if the video data from the numerical simulation is used to compute the peak velocity in a manner that mimics the experimental procedure, the predicted peak velocity nearly matches the experiment. This is discussed further in their first paper listed above.