CLAWPACK               README.html        
 Source file:   README.txt
 Directory:   /var/www/html/clawpack/links/awr11/chile2010awr
 Converted:   Sat Feb 5 2011 at 15:51:43   using clawcode2html
 This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file.


GeoClaw Sample Code

Sample earthquake-generated tsunami based on the 2010 Chile event. Primarily to illustrate how set up topo and dtopo files.

See $CLAW/doc/sphinx/users/topo.html for more information.

See [.html]. This downloads topography data from the GeoClaw topography database that originally came from the NOAA National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) using Design-a-grid .

USGS site for earthquake data:

Note: This fault model has be updated since this example was originally constructed, and the GeoClaw source code has been improved to use a combination of 180 subfaults specified at in place of the single fault plane used in the example included in Clawpack 4.5.1 and before.

One gauge is included at the location of DART Buoy 32412:

To download other DART buoy data, see

See also the NOAA/PMEL Center for Tsunami Research site for this tsunami, containing DART data, tide gauges, MOST simulations:

Plots of results

To create all these directories of plots, use

  $ source

Plots created:

The script [.html] can be used plot a comparison of the gauge data for all three runs with the DART Buoy 32412 data, resulting in a plot dart_gauges.png.

The script [.html] is a version that plots on top of computational results obtained by NOAA, dart.png.

Fortran files

Makefile [.html]
Determines which version of fortran files are used when compiling the code with make and specifies where output and plots should be directed. Type "make .help" at the Unix prompt for options.

setprob.f [.html]
Standard for for GeoClaw

Python files [.html]
Used to create topo file and dtopo data file. [.html]
Used to create dtopo file from the file subfault.txt [.html], obtained from . [.html]
This file contains a function that specifies what run-time parameters will be used. [.html]
This file contains a function that specifies what plots will be done and sets various plotting parameters. [.html]
Version of setplot illustrating how the '2d_imshow' plot type can be used in place of '2d_pcolor'. This plots much faster. [.html]
This file contains a script that can be used plot a comparison of the gauge data with the DART Buoy 32412 data.

Data files

The .data files are automatically generated using the information in [.html].


To make topo and dtopo data files:

  $ make topo

To make all data files, edit and then

  $ make .data

To run code:

  $ make .output

To plot results, either generate html pages via:

  $ make .plots
or view interactively using ipython and Iplotclaw.

To run the 3 different cases for the figures in the paper,

  $ source

For more documentation, see .