 Source file:
 Directory:   /var/www/html/clawpack/links/awr10/radial-ocean-island
 Converted:   Thu Jul 29 2010 at 13:49:17   using clawcode2html
 This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file.


Module to create topo and qinit data files for this example.

from pyclaw.geotools import topotools
from pyclaw.interp import pwcubic
from import Data
from numpy import *

from mapper import latlong

probdata = Data('')
theta_island = probdata.theta_island

geodata = Data('')
Rearth = geodata.Rearth

(xisland,yisland) = latlong(1600.e3, theta_island, 40., Rearth)

def maketopo():
    Output topography file for the entire domain
    and near-shore in one location.
    xupper= 20.e0
    ylower= 20.e0
    yupper= 60.e0
    outfile= "ocean.topotype2"

    xlower= xisland - 1.
    xupper= xisland + 1.
    ylower= yisland - 1.
    yupper= yisland + 1.
    outfile= "island.topotype2"

def makeqinit():
    Create qinit data file
    xupper= 20.e0
    ylower= 20.e0
    yupper= 60.e0
    outfile= ""

def shelf1(r):
    Ocean followed by continental slope, continental shelf, and beach.
    The ocean is flat, the slope is cubic, and the shelf and beach are linear.

    rad1 = 1500e3         # beginning of continental slope
    rad2 = rad1 + 60e3   # end of slope, start of shelf
    rad3 = rad2 + 80e3   # end of shelf, start of beach
    rad4 = rad3 + 5e3    # radius of shoreline where z=0
    z1 = -4000.          # depth from r=0  to rad1 (ocean)
    z2 = -100.           # depth at r=rad2 (start of shelf)
    z3 = -100.           # depth at r=rad3 (start of beach)
    z4 = 0.              # depth at shoreline
    xi = array([0., rad1, rad2, rad3, rad4])
    zl = array([z1, z1, z2, z3, z4])
    zr = zl  # continuous!
    slope_of_shelf = (z3 - z2) / (rad3 - rad2)
    slope_of_beach = (z4 - z3) / (rad4 - rad3)
    print "Slope of shelf = ",slope_of_shelf
    print "Slope of beach = ",slope_of_beach
    slopel = array([0., 0., slope_of_shelf, slope_of_shelf, slope_of_beach])
    sloper = array([0., 0., slope_of_shelf, slope_of_beach, slope_of_beach])
    z = pwcubic(xi, zl, zr, slopel, sloper, r)
    return z

def island1(r):
    Island created using piecewise cubic with radius rad with zero slope at peak and
    base. Raises topo by ztop at the peak.
    rad = 30e3
    ztop = 120.  # 20m above sealevel on the 100m deep shelf.
    xi = array([0., rad])
    zl = array([ztop, 0.])
    zr = zl
    slopel = array([0., 0.])
    sloper = slopel
    z = pwcubic(xi, zl, zr, slopel, sloper, r)
    return z

def topo(x,y):
    x = longitude, y = latitude in degrees
    import numpy as np
    x0 = 0.0
    y0 = 40.0
    d = topotools.gcdist(x,y,x0,y0,Rearth)  # great circle distance on earth
    z = shelf1(d)
    d = topotools.gcdist(x,y,xisland,yisland,Rearth)  
    z = z + island1(d)
    return z

def qinit(x,y):
    Gaussian hump:
    from numpy import where
    x0 = 0.0
    y0 = 40.0
    d = topotools.gcdist(x,y,x0,y0,Rearth)  # great circle distance on earth
    ze = -d**2/2.e9
    z = where(ze>-100., 20.e0*exp(ze), 0.)
    return z

if __name__=='__main__':