 Source file:
 Directory:   /var/www/html/clawpack/links/noaa-tsunami-benchmarks/monai-valley/monai3
 Converted:   Mon Jan 24 2011 at 13:13:04   using clawcode2html
 This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file.


Download the Monai Valley model bathymetry and massage the data to
produce a topo file with topotype=2 for use in GeoClaw.

The data file has a first row that must be skipped and the data in the wrong
order for standard GeoClaw input styles described at

import os, numpy
from pyclaw.geotools import topotools
import urllib

def maketopo():
    infile = 'MonaiValley_Bathymetry.txt'
    url =''
    # Retrieve the topo file if it's not already here:
    if not os.path.exists(infile):
        print "Retrieving remote file ", infile
        print "      from ", url
            remote_file = os.path.join(url, infile)
            urllib.urlretrieve(remote_file, infile)
            raise Exception("urlretrieve failed")

    print "Fixing topo file"
    x,y,z = numpy.loadtxt(infile, skiprows=1, unpack=True)

    # Reshape to proper array:
    mx = 393
    my = 244
    X = numpy.reshape(x,(mx,my))
    Y = numpy.reshape(y,(mx,my))
    Z = numpy.reshape(z,(mx,my))
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    # Negate the topo values since GeoClaw expects negative for bathy below sea
    # level.
    Z = -Z  

    # create output file:
    outfile = 'MonaiValley.tt2'
    xlower = X[0,0]
    xupper = X[-1,-1]
    ylower = Y[0,0]
    yupper = Y[-1,-1]
    dx = (xupper - xlower) / mx
    dy = (yupper - ylower) / my
    if abs(dx-dy) > 1e-6:
        print "*** dx and dy are not equal!"
        print "*** dx = %s,  dy = %s" %(dx,dy)
    cellsize = dx
    ofile = open(outfile, 'w')
    ofile.write('%s ncols\n' % mx)
    ofile.write('%s nrows\n' % my)
    ofile.write('%s xll\n' % xlower)
    ofile.write('%s yll\n' % ylower)
    ofile.write('%s cellsize\n' % cellsize)
    ofile.write('9999 nodata_value\n')

    for jj in range(my):
        j = my-1-jj
        for i in range(mx):
            ofile.write('%20.12e\n' % Z[i,j])

    print "Created ",outfile

if __name__=="__main__":