 Source file:
 Directory:   /var/www/html/clawpack/links/shockvacuum10/shockvacuum
 Converted:   Mon Aug 16 2010 at 14:13:32   using clawcode2html
 This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file.

Make figures for the paper.

from pyclaw.runclaw import runclaw
from pyclaw.plotters.plotclaw import plotclaw

grav = 1.          # gravitational constant g
sK = 0.5           # constant K 

run_code = True

# For each run, values of (ieos, npoly, nstar, mx, name):
runparams = {}
runparams[0] = (2, 1.0, 1.0, 4800, 'poly_n1.0_4800')
runparams[1] = (1, 1.0, 1.0, 1200, 'euler_n1.0_alpha1.0_1200')
runparams[2] = (1, 1.0, 1.5, 1200, 'euler_n1.0_alpha1.5_1200')
runparams[3] = (1, 1.5, 1.5, 1200, 'euler_n1.5_alpha1.5_1200')

for runno in range(len(runparams)):
    # parameters needed in setrun:
    ieos = runparams[runno][0]
    npoly = runparams[runno][1]
    nstar = runparams[runno][2]
    mx = runparams[runno][3]
    name = runparams[runno][4]
    iout = mx/6       
    ntot = iout*50     

    outdir = '_output_' + name
    if run_code:
        execfile('')  # creates .data files
        runclaw('xclaw', outdir)
    plotdir = '_plots_' + name
    execfile('')  # defines function setplot
    plotclaw(outdir, plotdir, setplot = setplot)