.. _installing_pip: ************************************** Installation instructions (pip) ************************************** These instructions are a work in progress. Suggestions welcome (`raise an issue `_). For other installation options, see :ref:`installing`. See also: * :ref:`clawpack_packages` * :ref:`changes` * :ref:`previous` * :ref:`trouble_installation` Please `register `_ if you have not already done so. This is very useful in helping us track the extent of usage, and important to the :ref:`funding` agencies who support this work. **Prerequisites:** Before installing, check that you have the :ref:`prereqs`. .. _install_quick_all: Quick Installation of all packages ===================================== The recommended way to install the latest release of Clawpack, for using PyClaw and/or the Fortran packages, is to give the following pip install command (you might want to first read the notes below to see if you want to change anything in this command):: pip install --src=$HOME/clawpack_src --user -e \ git+https://github.com/clawpack/clawpack.git@v5.4.1#egg=clawpack-v5.4.1 This will install Clawpack into the directory `$HOME/clawpack_src/clawpack-v5.4.1`, or the top installation directory can be changed by modifying the `--src` target. See :ref:`clawpack_components` for a list of what's included in this top level. The `--user` flag is necessary if you are installing on a shared computer where you do not have root access. If you do have root access and want it to be available to all users, you can omit this flag. See notes below for more information. In order to use the Fortran codes within Clawpack (`classic`, `amrclaw`, or `geoclaw`), you should then set the environment variable `CLAW` to point to the `clawpack-v5.4.1` directory within the installation directory `$HOME/clawpack_src`, and `FC` to point to the desired Fortran compiler, e.g. in the bash shell:: export CLAW=$HOME/clawpack_src/clawpack-v5.4.1 export FC=gfortran **Note:** You may want to set `CLAW` even if you are only using PyClaw, since `$CLAW` is sometimes used in this documentation to indicate the top level of the Clawpack source directory structure. See :ref:`setenv` for more information, and :ref:`python_path` if you are having problems with importing Python modules. .. _install_quick_pyclaw: Quick Installation of only PyClaw ===================================== If you only want to use PyClaw (and associated Python tools, e.g. VisClaw for visualization), they you could do:: pip install clawpack or, more specifically, :: pip install clawpack==v5.4.1 However, if you think you might want to use the Fortran packages as well (Classic, AMRClaw, GeoClaw) and/or want easier access to the Python source code, it is recommended that you follow the instructions above for :ref:`install_quick_all` (or see other :ref:`installing`). Next steps: ----------- Once Clawpack is installed, you can go to one of the following pages to get started: - :ref:`first_run_pyclaw` - :ref:`first_run_fortran` Notes on using pip to install ----------------------------- This approach clones Git repositories from https://github.com/clawpack/clawpack. If you are comfortable with Git you can use the same top repository to update Clawpack or switch to other versions. However, if you have made any changes to files that are tracked by Git in this set of directories and then try to update or check out other branches, you may run into merge conflicts. Instead, you can always install another branch by doing a new `pip install` into a different subdirectory of `clawpack_src`, e.g. :: export CLAW_VERSION=v5.3.1 # used several places in next commands pip install --src=$HOME/clawpack_src --user -e \ git+https://github.com/clawpack/clawpack.git@$CLAW_VERSION#egg=clawpack-$CLAW_VERSION export CLAW=$HOME/clawpack_src/clawpack-$CLAW_VERSION We also suggest that if you want to experiment extensively with examples or modify an example to solve your own problem, you first copy a directory out of the source code tree to a different location, in order to minimize confusion if you later want to update to a newer version of clawpack. See :ref:`newapp` for more details. If you want to check out the `master` branch of the clawpack repositories or work with other development versions, see :ref:`setup_dev`. .. _trouble_pip: Troubleshooting pip install --------------------------- In case you run into problems with `pip install` or with changing version, here are some tips: - The `-e` flag ("editable") results in the the source code remaining in the directory `$CLAW`, which includes all the Fortran packages as well as Python source. - Earlier versions of the installation instructions required setting the environment variable `PYTHONPATH`. This is not necessary or desirable if you use the `pip install` option, which instead creates or modifies a file `easy-install.pth` that is found in the Python `site-packages` directory (see :ref:`python_path`). The path to the clawpack source is added to this file and hence to the search path for Python. This allows importing Clawpack modules, but note that directories specified here are searched before those specified by the environment variable `PYTHONPATH`. - When the `--user` flag is omitted, the `pip install` will modify a system-wide file `easy-install.pth` to add the path. This requires root permission. When the `--user` flag is used, this path will instead be added to an `easy-install.pth` file that is within your user directory structure. See :ref:`python_path` for information on finding these files. - If you wish to point to a different version of the Clawpack Python tools, you need to rerun `pip install`. Or you may need to remove the path from the `easy-install.pth` file if you want to switch to using `PYTHONPATH`. See :ref:`python_path` for more information. - If you get a Fortran error message when installing, see :ref:`trouble_f2py`. If you cannot get this to work, consider other :ref:`installing` and `raise an issue `_ to let us know what went wrong.