.. _pyclaw_clawpack_solvers: =============================== Pyclaw Classic Clawpack Solvers =============================== The pyclaw classic clawpack solvers are a collection of solvers that represent the functionality of the older versions of clawpack. It comes in two forms, a pure python version and a python wrapping the fortran libraries. All of the solvers available provide the same basic interface and provide the same options as the old versions of clawpack. The superclass solvers are not meant to be used separately but there to provide common routines for all the Clawpack solvers. Please refer to each of the inherited classes for more info about the methods and attributes they provide each class. The inheritance structure is: :Example: This is a simple example of how to instantiate and evolve a solution to a later time ``t_end`` using the linearized 1d acoustics Riemann solver:: >>> from pyclaw.evolve.clawpack import ClawSolver1D >>> solver = ClawSolver1D() # Instantiate a default, 1d solver >>> solver.mthlim = [3,3] # Use the van Leer limiter >>> solver.dt = 0.0001 # Set the initial time step >>> solver.max_steps = 500 # Set the maximum number of time steps >>> solver.evolve_to_time(solution,t_end) # Evolve the solution to t_end .. note:: The fortran wrapped classes are not included in this release. :mod:`pyclaw.evolve.clawpack` ============================= .. automodule:: pyclaw.evolve.clawpack :members: :show-inheritance: