Gallery of GeoClaw applications

Tsunami models using GeoClaw

$CLAW/apps/tsunami/bowl-radial ... README ... Plot Index

Radially symmetric solution in a bowl with Gaussian hump initial data. Solved in Cartesian coordinates.


$CLAW/apps/tsunami/bowl-slosh ... README ... Plot Index

Sloshing water in a parabolic bowl, initialized so the solution should agree with a known exact solution in which the surface is always linear.


$CLAW/apps/tsunami/chile2010 ... README ... Plot Index

Tsunami of 27 February 2010 off the coast of Chile, with a comparison to DART buoy data.


$CLAW/apps/tsunami/chile2010b ... README ... Plot Index

Tsunami of 27 February 2010 off the coast of Chile, with a comparison to DART buoy data. (Updated version.)