.. _ascii_output_format: ============================= Format of ASCII output files ============================= At each output time, two files are created: * fort.tNNNN small file with some metadata for frame N * fort.qNNNN file with the solution on all grids for frame N `fort.t` file ------------- Sample file in 2 dimensions:: 0.00000000E+00 time 4 meqn 2 ngrids 3 naux 2 ndim `fort.q` file ------------- This file contains all solution value from each of the `ngrids` grids. Each set of grid data is preceeded by a header of the form:: 1 grid_number 1 AMR_level 200 mx 200 my 0.00000000E+00 xlow 0.00000000E+00 ylow 0.87500000E-01 dx 0.87500000E-01 dy followed by `mx * my` lines, each having `meqn` values of q, in the `(i,j)` grid cell, created by this loop in `out2.f`:: do j=1,my do i=1,mx do m=1,meqn c # exponents with more than 2 digits cause problems c # reset tiny values to zero: if (dabs(q(i,j,m)) .lt. 1d-99) q(i,j,m) = 0.d0 enddo write(50,1005) (q(i,j,m), m=1,meqn) 1005 format(4e26.16) This grid is followed immediately by the header for the next grid.