National Conference of Local Environmental Health Administrators (a Non-Profit Michigan Corporation)

Article I - Name

Section 1. The name of this Conference shall be the National Conference of Local Environmental Health Administrators, hereinafter referred to as the Conference. The term local shall mean, and include, subdivisions of states or provinces, such as cities, counties, towns and districts.

Article II - Objectives

Section 2. The objectives of the Conference shall be the promotion of public health and the improvement and greater use of science in environmental health practice in community life. It shall further be the purpose of the Conference to encourage the interchange of experiences among environmental health administrators and to collect and make available such information and data as may be of assistance to them in the fulfillment of their duties.

Article III - Membership

Section 3.a. The membership of the Conference shall be comprised of two grades, namely Members and Associates. Eligibility to either of these two grades shall be determined by a committee on eligibility, chaired by the Treasurer. Unanimous approval by the members of the eligibility committee of an applicant and his/her qualifications shall constitute election to the grade of Member or Associate in the Conference.

Section 3.b. Person eligible to be elected to the grade of Member shall possess all of the following qualifications at the time of application:

1. Be employed in an official local health or environmental control agency (city, county, district or combination), in a district office of a state health or environmental control agency, or teach environmental engineering, environmental health science, or public health at an accredited college or university.

2. Be employed in a professional capacity in the field of environmental health, in a responsible supervisory, administrative or teaching position.

3. Have graduated from a college or university with a bachelor of science degree in environmental health, engineering, or a related science. Persons recognized as having achieved outstanding professional status by a unanimous vote of the eligibility committee may be considered for membership without possessing an engineering or science degree, provided they have graduated from a four-year college or university.

4. Have demonstrated good moral character and adherence to professional ethics.

Section 3.c. Persons eligible to be elected to the grade of Associate shall include local, state, federal or industry professional or teaching personnel concerned with local environmental health activities, who have demonstrated good moral character and adherence to professional ethics. Associates shall be eligible to serve on committee but not to hold office.

Section 3.d. A Member or Associate who, because of change in his/her employment, is no longer directly concerned with local environmental health administration may continue as a member or associate in the Conference, provided that:

1. He/she has been an active Member or Associate in good standing for at least three years, and

2. His/her employment or professional activity is connected with public health or environmental control work.

Section 3.e. The vote of the Conference shall lie with the members and the majority of the votes cast shall determine all questions except those on By-Laws or amendments to the Articles of Incorporation. The vote shall be as provided for in Section 9.

Article IV - Trustees, Their Election, Powers and Duties

Section 4.a. At least three (3) trustees shall be elected by the voting members of the Conference to serve for a term of three (3) years. The terms of the trustees shall be staggered so that an equal number are elected each year, over a three year period, and terms shall coincide with the annual business meeting.

Section 4.b. Each trustee elected shall hold office until the end of their designated term or until their successor is elected. Trustees may serve only two consecutive terms. After being out of office for one year, they shall be eligible for re-election.

Section 4.c. Trustees shall be members of the Executive Committee and shall possess the powers and authorities delegated that Committee. Trustees shall not concurrently be officers of the Conference nor the immediate past chairperson.

Section 4.d. The voting members may provide for a larger number of trustees than the minimum specified and may designate their terms of office.

Article V - Officers, Their Election and Their Duties

Section 5.a. The officers of the Conference shall be the Chairperson, Chair-Elect, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and Newsletter Editor. They shall be elected by the members of the Conference at the annual meeting, after which they shall assume office. Each officer shall be elected to serve for a period of one (1) year, or until their successor is elected, with full authority in a majority of the members of the Executive Committee to fill any vacancy. In the event of a vacancy, the person elected to the vacant office shall serve through the next annual meeting.

Section 5.b. The Chairperson shall be the Executive officer of the Conference and shall preside at all meeting during his/her term of office. He/she shall be authorized to temporarily take over the duties of Treasurer of the Conference in the event of a vacancy in the office of Treasurer.

Section 5.c. The Chairperson shall have general and active management of the business of the Conference and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Executive Committee are carried into effect. He/she shall be an ex-officio member of all standing committee. He/She shall have the general powers and duties of supervision and management usually vested in the office of of the president of a corporation.

Section 5.d. The Chair-Elect shall perform the duties of the Chairperson, should the Chairperson be unable to function in the position, and such duties assigned by the Chairperson. The Chair-elect shall serve as such for a period of up to one year and for one year as Chairperson.

Section 5.e. The Vice Chairperson, in the absence or disability of the Chairperson and Chair-elect, shall perform the duties or exercise the powers of the Chairperson, and shall perform such other duties as the Executive Committee shall prescribe.

Section 5.f. The Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes and transactions of the meetings and shall take care of all required correspondence. In addition, he/she shall be the Secretary of the Executive Committee and shall perform such other duties as the Executive Committee may delegate to him/her.

Section 5.g. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds collected or received by the Conference and shall handle all financial matters of the Conference. Under the general direction of the Executive Committee, he/she shall have authority to control and disburse those funds, making an account of receipts and disbursements at each annual meeting, and on the date of his/her retirement as treasurer. He/she shall be bonded at the expense of the Conference. He/she shall furnish to the auditing committee vouchers or other documents as may be requested by that committee.

Section 5.h. The News Editor shall be responsible for editing and issuing the Newsletter of the Conference.

Article VI - Executive Committee

Section 6.a. The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected trustees and officers of the Conference and the immediate past Chairperson.

Section 6.b. The Executive Committee shall have and may exercise the powers of a Board of Trustees, or a Board of Directors in the management of the business and affairs of a corporation between annual meetings.

Section 6.c. All members of the Executive Committee shall serve for the terms specified in their appointment of election, or until their successor is elected and qualified. The Executive Committee shall have authority to fill vacancies as they might occur. Appointments by the Executive Committee shall serve only to the next annual meeting at which time the members of the Conference shall duly elect a member to fill the remainder of the term of the vacated position.

Section 6.d. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be held in such places whether in this state or elsewhere as a majority of the Committee may determine.

Section 6.e. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the Chairperson, Chair-elect or Vice Chairperson on three (3) days notice to each member of the Executive Committee, either personally, or by mail, or by telegram. Special meetings shall be called by these officers on the written request of two (2) members of the Executive Committee.

Section 6.f. One-third of the members of the Executive Committee constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. All actions must be approved by a majority of those members present; provided that if members of the Executive Committee shall separately and/or collectively consent, in writing, to any action to be taken by the Executive Committee, such action shall be valid as if it had been authorized at a meeting of the Executive Committee.

Section 6.g. The Executive Committee may, by resolution or resolutions, designate one or more committees to include one or more members of the Executive Committee which, to the extent provided in said resolution, or resolutions, shall and may exercise the powers of the Conference. Such committee shall have such name, as may be determined by the resolution adopted by the Executive Committee.

Section 6.h. Committees shall keep regular minutes of their proceedings and report the same to the Executive Committee as required.

Section 6.i. Nomination and Election of Officers

1. The Nominating Committee, consisting of the past Chairperson and two (2) members, shall be appointed by the Chairperson immediately following the annual meeting at which the Chairperson takes office. The Nominating Committee shall submit its report to the Conference Chairperson at least one (1) month prior to the next annual meeting. The Nominating Committee Report shall be published in the Newsletter or sent by mail to all members of the Conference prior to the annual business meeting. Other nominations for he positions of officers or trustees may be presented at the business meeting by any member in good standing. All nominees for elections to the officers of the Conference must, at the time of election, fulfill the qualifications as set forth in these bylaws as being necessary for election to the grade of Member.

2. Voting for officers or trustees shall be by those members present, by voice vote or, if nominations are made from the floor, the election shall be by written ballot which shall be counted by a committee of tellers appointed by the Chairperson. Those elected shall assume office at the close of the annual meeting at which they are chosen.

3. A majority vote for a candidate shall constitute an election..

Article VII - Finances

Section 7.a. Every member and associate shall pay annual dues of ten dollars ($10.00). These dues are payable annually before May 31. Members and associates who are six months delinquent in paying their dues may be dismissed from membership, provided that thirty (30) days written notice has been sent in advance by the Treasurer to the last known mailing address of the member.

Section 7.b. Members and associates who have been separated from the membership rolls may be reinstated by a majority vote of the Eligibility Committee, provided that written request for reinstatement be made, dues for the calendar year of separation are paid, and eligibility requirements of the Constitution are met by the applicant.

Article VIII - Meeting

Section 8. The annual business meeting shall be held each year in conjunction with the National Environmental Health Association Annual Educational Conference in the city where such conference is held. A meeting may also be held each year in conjunction with the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. A change in the time and place of annual meetings or a call for a special meeting may be made by a majority of the members of the Executive Committee.

Article IX - Parliamentary Procedures

Section 9. In all matters of procedure no covered by these bylaws, Robert's Rules of Order shall govern.

Article X - Amendment of Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws

Section 10. The Conference may amend the Articles of Incorporation and may adopt and amend bylaws consistent with, and in accordance with, the Articles of Incorporation. The Executive Committee shall consider and report to the Conference all proposed amendments submitted to it by the Bylaws Committee. Any proposed amendments shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee and it shall make recommendations concerning such amendments to the Conference. The Executive Committee may appoint a committee for the purpose of considering and proposing amendments to the bylaws or Articles of Incorporation, and such committee shall make recommendations concerning such amendments to the Executive Committee or to the Conference. Amendments may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any annual meeting, or by a two-thirds vote of the members voting in a mail ballot taken in the interim between annual meetings.

REVISED: June 26, 1984 | Grand Rapids, Michigan

National Conference of LocalEnvironmental Health Administrators
c/o David Riggs, Chair
1010 South Third Street • Dayton, WA 99328
Phn: (509) 382-2181 • Fax (360) 382-2942

Website maintained by Chuck Treser at the University of Washingotn
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