
The database available at this site contains the results of cyclic, lateral-load tests of reinforced concrete columns.   The Structural Performance Database User's Manual documents the information available here and at the companion PEER website.  The PEER website (http://nisee.berkeley.edu/spd/ ) has a search capability and in a few cases, additional data, such as drawings and photographs.

The core of the database was assembled by researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), who collected data for 92 circular columns tests (Taylor and Stone, 1993) and 107 rectangular column tests (Taylor et al., 1997). For each test, the NIST database provided the reported test geometry, material properties, force-displacement histories and a reference.

As part of a research project funded by the National Science Foundation Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER), researchers at the University of Washington  expanded the database and made it available on the World Wide Web.  The database now describes tests of 165 spiral- or hoop-reinforced concrete columns and 253 rectangular-reinforced concrete columns.  For each test where the information is available, the database provides the:

  • column geometry
  • column material properties
  • column reinforcing details
  • test configuration (including P-delta configuration)
  • axial load
  • digital force-displacement history at the top of the column
  • top displacement that preceded various damage observations
  • comments (e.g., unusual characteristics)
  • references

The database provides force-deflection data and overall column dimensions for an additional 11 tests with unusual characteristics, such as steel shells, fiber wraps or non-prismatic columns. 

Database Organization

The material and geometric properties for the tests can be viewed, and if desired, downloaded by following the following links:

The property tables are provided in a Lotus .wk1 spreadsheet format, which can be loaded into most applications.  Force-displacement histories are provided in a tab-delimited (.txt) format.  The definitions of the properties listed in the database are provided in the Structural Performance Database User's Manual.

The damage reported to the columns (as determined by a review of the references by UW researchers) can be obtained by the following the links below. By following these links, it is also possible to view each force-displacement history, and if desired, to download it.

The first row of each force-displacement file contains the test name, and the second row contains the number of force-displacement pairs in the history. From the third row onwards, the force-displacement pairs are provided in adjacent columns. The first column contains the top-displacement values (in mm), the second column contains the lateral-load values (in kN), and the third column (if available) contains the axial-load history. Regardless of the actual test geometry, all force-displacement data are reported in terms of an equivalent cantilever column.


It would have been impossible to assemble this database without the generous assistance of numerous researchers. The contributions of the researchers who generated the test data are recognized in the spiral reinforced column reference list and the rectangular column reference list. These references provide many details that are not included in the database.

We would also like to thank the NIST researchers who assembled the original database. In particular, Dr. Andrew Taylor, formerly of NIST, provided great assistance to this project.

Most of the database was assembled by Michael Berry, Haili Camarillo, Amit Mookerjee, and Myles Parrish, graduate students at the University of Washington. 

Support for this work was provided primarily by the Earthquake Engineering Research Centers Program of the National Science Foundation, under Award Number EEC-9701568 through the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center.

Other Sources of Column Data

The following websites provide additional data and details of column tests.


This database was assembled as a service to the research community in earthquake engineering. The University of Washington, PEER and the researchers who performed the experiments make no warranties to the accuracy of the information that has been collected.


If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact Marc Eberhard at the University of Washington.