During the academic year <2005/6> I am running a project called the "Disciplinary Commons in Computing Education". This has the twin aims: * To document and share knowledge about teaching and student learning on courses in the UK. * To establish practices for the scholarship of teaching by making it public, peer-reviewed, and amenable for future use and development by other educators: creating a teaching-appropriate document of practice equivalent to the research-appropriate journal paper. What does it involve? The Commons open to anyone who currently teaches in a UK institution of higher education. Over the course of the academic year <2005/6> up to 20 teachers will meet every 4-6 weeks to document practice and create a powerful community resource. Each participant in the Commons will construct a course portfolio for the itp course that they teach, as well as evaluating the portfolios of other participants and collectively deciding on appropriate content for portfolios. There is no cost to participate in the Commons - the project will pay for all meetings and for participants travelling costs. I hope that you will be interested in participating in this project: the deadline for applications is . You can find further details from the webpage: http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/~saf/dc/ or you are very welcome to talk with me further. And if you are no longer involved in the teaching of introductory programming, could I ask you to pass this message onto your colleagues who are? Many thanks - Sally Fincher